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3 results

   1) anumodana (p. 41)
Anumodana Anumodana (nt.) [fr. anumodati] "according to taste", i.e. satisfaction, thanks, esp. after a meal or after receiving gifts = to say grace or benediction, blessing, thanksgiving. In latter sense with dadāti (give thanks for = loc.), karoti (= Lat. gratias agere) or vacati (say or tell thanks): ˚ŋ datvā PvA 89; ˚ŋ katvā...
   2) kata (p. 182)
...J vi.349; ˚ânumodana after thanking (for the meal) J i.304; ˚bhatt'ânumodana after expressing satisfaction with the meal PvA 141. In the same application: kat-okāsa having made its appearance, of kamma Vv 329 (cp. VvA 113); PvA 63; ˚kamma (-cora) (a thief) who has just "done...
   3) matta (p. 517)
...vuttamatte eva as soon as said DhA i.330; cintitamatte at the mere thought DhA i.326; naŋ jātamattaŋ yeva as soon as he was born PvA 195; anumodana-mattena because of being pleased PvA 121; upanītamattam eva as soon as it was bought PvA 192; nimujjana-matte yeva as soon as she ducked her head under PvA 47. -- na...