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   1) anga (p. 6)

Anga Anga (nt.) [Vedic anga, anc cp. Lat. angulus = angle, corner etc., ungulus finger-ring = Sk. angulīya. See also anka, anguṭṭha & angula] (1) (lit.) a constituent part of the body, a limb, member; also of objects: part, member (see cpd. ˚sambhāra); uttam˚anga the reproductive organ J v.197; also as "head" at ThA 209. Usually in cpds. (see below, esp. ˚paccanga), as sabbanga-kalyāṇī perfect in all limbs Pv iii.35 (= sobhaṇa-sabbanga-paccangī PvA 189) and in redupln. anga-m-angāni limb by limb, with all limbs (see also below anga + paccanga) Vin iii.119; Vv 382 (˚ehi naccamāna); Pv ii.1210, 13, 18 (sunakho te khādati). — (2) (fig.) a constituent part of a whole or system or collection, e. g. uposath˚ the vows of the fast J i.50; bhavanga the constituents or the condition of becoming (see bhava & cp. Cpd. 265 sq.); bojjhanga (q. v.). Esp. with numerals: cattāri angāni 4 constituents A ii.79 (viz. sīla, samādhi, paññā. vimutti and rūpa, vedanā, saññā, bhava), aṭṭhangika (q. v.) magga the Path with its eight constituents or the eightfold Path (KhA 85: aṭṭhɔ angāni assā ti) navanga Buddha-sāsana see nava. — (3) a constituent part as characteristic, prominent or distinguishing, a mark, attribute, sign, quality D i.113 sq., 117 (iminā p˚ angena by this quality, or: in this respect, cp. below 4; DA i.281 expls tena kāraṇena). In a special sense striking (abnormal) sign or mark on the body D i.9, from which a prophesy is made (: hattha-pādādisu yena kenaci evarūpena angena samannāgato dīghāyu . . hotī ti . . angasatthan = chiromantics DA i.92). Thus in combn. with samannāgata & sampanna always meaning endowed with "good", superior, remarkable "qualities", e. g. J i.3 (sabbanga-sampanna nagaraŋ a city possessing all marks of perfection); ii.207. — In enumn. with var. numerals: tīhi angehi s. A i.115; cattāri sotapannassa a- D iii.227 = A iv.405 sq.; pañcanga-vippahīno (i. e. giving up the 5 hindrances, see nīvaraṇa) and pañcanga-samannāgato (i. e. endowed with the 5 good qualities, viz. the sīla-kkhandha, see kkhandha ii.A d) S i.99 = A i.161; v.15, 29. Similarly the 5 attributes of a brahmin (viz. sujāta of pure birth, ajjhāyaka a student of the Vedas, abhirūpa handsome, sīlava of good conduct, paṇḍita clever) D i.119, 120. Eight qualities of a king D i.137. Ten qualities of an Arahant (cp. dasa1 B 2) S iii.83; Kh iv.10 = KhA 88; cp. M i.446 (dasahɔ angehi samannāgato rañño assājāniyo). — (4) (modally) part, share, interest, concern; ajjhattikaŋ angaŋ my own part or interest (opp. bāhiraŋ the interest in the outside world). A i.16 sq. = S v.101 sq.; It 9. rañño angaŋ an asset or profit for the king M i.446. Thus adv. tadanga (see also ta˚ i.a) as a matter of fact, in this respect, for sure, certainly and tadangena by these means, through this, therefore M i.492; A iv.411; Sdhp 455, 456; iminā p˚ angena for that reason M ii.168. — In compn. with verbs angi˚ (angī˚): angigata having limbs or ports, divided DA i.313; cp. samangi (-bhūta).
    -jāta "the distinguishing member", i. e. sign of male or female (see above 3); membrum virile and muliebre Vin i.191 (of cows); iii.20, 37, 205; J ii.359; Miln 124. -paccanga one limb or the other, limbs great and small M i.81; J vi-20, used (a) collectively: the condition of perfect limbs, or adj. with perfect limbs, having all limbs Pv ii.1212 (= paripuṇṇa-sabbanga-paccangavatī PvA 158); SnA 383; DhA i.390; ThA 288; Sdhp 83 fig. rathassa angapaccangan M i.395; sabbanga-paccangāni all limbs Miln 148. — (b) distributively (cp. similar redupl. formations like chiddâvachidda, seṭṭhânu-seṭṭhi, khaṇḍākhaṇḍa, cuṇṇavicuṇṇa) limb after limb, one limb after the other (like angamangāni above 1), piecemeal M i.133 (˚e daseyya), 366; J i.20; iv.324 (chinditvā). -paccangatā the condition or state of perfect limbs, i. e. a perfect body VvA 134 (suvisuddh˚). -paccangin having all limbs (perfect) D i.34 (sabbanga-peccangī); PvA 189. -rāga painting or rouging the body Vin ii.107 (+ mukha˚). -laṭṭhi sprout, offshoot ThA 226. -vāta gout Vin i.205. -vijjā the art of prognosticating from marks on the body, chiromantics, palmistry etc. (cp. above 3) D i.9 (see expl. at DA i.93); J i.290 (˚āya cheka clever in fortune-telling); ˚ânubhāva the power of knowing the art of signs on the body J ii.200; v.284; ˚pāṭhaka one who in versed in palmistry etc. J ii.21, 250; v.458. -vekalla bodily deformity DhA ii.26. -sattha the science of prognosticating from certain bodily marks DA i.92. -sambhāra the combination of parts Miln 28 = S i.135; Miln 41. -hetuka a species of wild birds, living in forests J vi.538.