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   1) diṭṭhi (p. 321)

Diṭṭhi Diṭṭhi (f.) [Sk. dṛṣṭi; cp. dassana] view, belief, dogma, theory, speculation, esp. false theory, groundless or unfounded opinion. — (a) The latter is rejected by the Buddha as pāpa˚ (A iv.172) and pāpikā d. (opp. bhaddikā: A v.212 sq.; It 26): Vin i.98, 323; Dh 164; Pv iv.354; whereas the right, the true, the best doctrine is as sammā d. the first condition to be complied with by anyone entering the Path. As such the sammā d. is opposed to micchā d. wrong views or heresy (see b). Equivalent with micchā d. is kudiṭṭhi (late) Dāvs ii.58. — (b) Characterized more especially as: (a) sammā diṭṭhi right doctrine, right philosophy Vin i.10; S ii.17; v.11, 14, 30 sq., 458 sq., M i.315; ii.12, 29, 87; iii.72; Nd2 485; Vbh 104 sq. See magga. — ujukā d. S v.143, 165; ujugatā d. M i.46 sq. — (β) micchā d. wrong theory, false doctrine S i.145; ii.153 (caused by avijjā); M iii.71; Dh 167, 316; Nd2 271iiib; Vbh 361, 389. — The foll. theories are to be considered as varieties of micchā d., viz. (in limited enumn) akiriyavāda S iii.208; iv.349; aññaŋ aññena S iii.211; antaggāhikā A i.154; ii.240; iii.130; antânantikā D i.22 sq. S iii.214, 258 sq.; assāda˚ A iii.447; ahetukavādā S iii.210; ucchedavādā D i.34; S ii.20; iii.99; 110 sq.; bhava˚ S iii.93; M i.65; A i.83; sakkāya˚ A iii.438; v.144; Sn 231 (cp. KhA 188); Nd2 271iiib (20 fold, as diṭṭhilepa); sassatavādā D i.13; S ii.20; iii.98, 213 sq., 258 sq. — (c) Various theories & doctrines are mentioned & discussed at: Vin i.115; S i.133; ii.61 sq., 75 sq., 222; iii.215 sq., 258 sq.; iv.286; v.448 (=D i.31); D iii.13 sq., 45, 246, 267; M i.40; A i.32; ii.252 sq.; iii.132, 289, 349; Th 2, 184; Ps i.135 sq.; Pug 22; Dhs 392, 1003 (cp. Dhs. trsl. pp. 257 sq., 293, 325); Vbh 145, 245, 341, 393 sq.; Sdhp 13, 333. — (d) Miscellaneous: 4 diṭṭhiyo at Vbh 376; also at Vism 511 (sakkāya˚, uccheda˚, sassata˚, akiriya˚); 5 Vbh 378; 6 at M i.8; Vbh 382; 7 at Vbh 383; 20 see under sakkāya˚; 62 under diṭṭhigata. — In series diṭṭhi khanti ruci laddhi characterizing "diṭṭhadhamma" at Nd2 299 & passim. Diṭṭhiyā sutiyā ñāṇena in def. of a theory of cognition at Nd2 300 as complementing taṇhā: see taṇhā B 3. Coupled with vācā & citta in formula (taŋ) vācaŋ appahāya cittaŋ appahāya diṭṭhiŋ appaṭinissajjitvā . . . (nikkhitto evaŋ niraye) at S iv.319= D iii.13, 15; combd with (& opposed to) sīla (as pāpaka & bhaddaka) at It 26, 27. — diṭṭhiŋ āsevati to hold a view M i.323; ˚ŋ bhindati to give up a view J i.273; Dāvs ii.58.
    -ânugati a sign of speculation Vin ii.108; S ii.203; Pug 33. -ânusaya inclination to speculation D iii.254, 282; S v.60; A iv.9; -āsava the intoxicant of speculation, the 3rd of four āsavā, viz. kāma˚, bhava˚, d.˚, avijjā˚ Vin iii.5; Nd2 134; Dhs 1099, 1448; Vbh 373; cp. ˚ogha; -upadānā taking up or adhering to false doctrines, the 2nd of the four upādānāni or attachments, viz. kāma˚, d.˚, sīlabbata˚, attavāda˚ D iii.230; Dhs 1215, 1536; -ogha the flood of false doctrine, in set of four ogha's as under ˚āsava D iii.230, 276; Nd2 178; -kantāra the wilderness of groundless speculation Dhs 381, 1003, 1099, etc.; see ˚gata; -gaṇṭhi the web or tangle of sophisticism VvA 297; cp. ˚sanghāṭa; -gata (nt.) "resorting to views," theory, groundless opinion, false doctrine, often followed by series of characterizing epithets: d. -- gahana, ˚kantāra, ˚visūka, ˚vipphandita, ˚saññojana, e. g. M i.8; Nd2 271iiib. Of these sophistical speculations 2 are mentioned at It 43, Ps i.129; 6 at Ps i.130; 62 (the usual number, expressing "great and small" sets, cp. dvi A ii.) at D i.12-39 (in detail); S iv.286; Ps i.130; Nd2 271iiib; Nett 96, 112, 160. — Vin i.49; D i.162, 224, 226; S i.135, 142; ii.230; iii.109, 258 sq. (anekavihitāni); iv.286 (id.); M i.8, 176, 256 sq. (pāpaka), 326 (id.), 426 sq.; A iv.68; v.72 sq., 194 (pāpaka); Sn 649, 834, 913; Pug 15; Dhs 277, 339, 392, 505; Vism 454. — adj. ˚gatika adhering to (false) doctrine Dpvs vi.25; -gahana the thicket of speculation Dhs 381, 1003; see ˚gata; -jāla the net of sophistry D i.46; DA i.129; -ṭṭhāna a tenet of speculative philosophy D i.16; M i.136; A v.198; Ps i.138 (eight); Miln 332; DA i.107; -nijjhānakkhanti forbearance with wrong views S ii.115; iv.139; A i.189 sq.; ii.191; Nd2 151; -nipāta a glance VvA 279; -nissaya the foundation of speculation M i.137; D ii.137 sq.; -pakkha the side or party of sophists Nett 53, 88, 160; -paṭilābha the attainment of speculation M iii.46; -paṭivedha=prec. D iii.253; -patta one who has formed (a right or wrong) view D iii.105, 254; M i.439; A i.74; 118, iv.10; v.23; -parāmasa perversion by false doctrine Dhs 1498; -maṇḍala the circle of speculative dogmatics DhsA 109; -vipatti failure in theory, the 3rd of the four vipattiyo viz. sīla˚, ācāra˚, d.˚, ājīva˚; opp. ˚sampadā Vin v.98; D iii.213; A i.95, 268; Pug 21; Dhs 1362; Vbh 361; -vipallāsa contortion of views A ii.52; -visaŋyoga disconnection with false doctrine D iii.230, 276; -visuddhi beauty of right theory A i.95; M i.147 sq.; D iii.214, 288; -visūka (nt.) the discord or disunion (lit. the going into parties) of theories, the (?) puppet -- show of opinion M i.8, 486; Sn 55 (=dvāsaṭṭhi diṭṭhigatāni), K S ii.44; Vv 8426; Pv iv.137; Nd2 301 (=vīsati -- vattukā sakkāyadiṭṭhi); cp. Nd2 25 (attānudiṭṭhi); Dhs 381 (cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 101), 1003, 1099. See also ˚gata; -vyasana failing or misfortune in theory (+sīla˚, in character) D iii.235; Nd2 304; -saŋyojana the fetter or bond of empty speculation (cp. ˚anusaya) D iii.254; A iv.7 sq.; -sanghāta the weft or tangle of wrong views (cp. ˚gaṇṭhi) Nd1 343; Nd2 503; -samudaya the origin of wrong views A iv.68; -sampadā success in theory, blessing of right views, attainment of truth D iii.213; 235 (opp. ˚vipatti), S v.30 sq.; A i.95, 269; iii.438; iv.238; Pug 25; Dhs 1364; VvA 297; -sampanna endowed with right views S ii.43, 58, 80; v.11; A iii.438 sq.; iv.394; Vbh 366; Dialogues iii.206, n. 10; -sārin (adj.) following wrong views Sn 911.