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   1) kammanta (p. 194)

Kammanta Kammanta [Sk. karmānta; kamma+anta, cp. anta 14.] 1. doing, acting, working; work, business, occupation, profession. paṭicchanna˚ of secret acting Sn 127= Vbh 357; as being punished in Niraya A i.60; S iv.180; as occupation esp. in pl. kammantā: S v.45=135; DhA i.42 (kammantā nappavattanti, no business proceeds, all occupations are at a standstill); anākula˚ Sn 262=Kh v.5; abbhantarā k˚ uṇṇā ti vā, kappāsā ti vā as housework, falling to the share of the wife A iii.37=iv.365; khetta˚ occupation in the field A iii.77; see also D i.71; M iii.7; S i.204; Miln 9, 33; and below; as place of occupation: Sn p. 13, PvA 62. Phrases: ˚ŋ adhiṭṭhāti to look after the business A i.115; PvA 141; jahati give up the occupation S iv.324; PvA 133; ˚ŋ payojeti to do or carry on business D i.71; ii.175; iii.66, 95; A iii.57; ˚ŋ pavatteti to set a business on foot PvA 42 (and vicāreti: PvA 93); ˚ŋ saŋvidahati to provide with work A iv.269=272. Mhvs vi.16. — 2. deed, action in ethical sense= kamma, character, etc., Kh 136 (k˚=kamma); pāpa˚ doing wrong Pv iv.81; iv.161; J vi.104 (opp. puñña˚); as specified by kāya˚ vacī ˚mano˚ A v.292 sq.; VvA 130 (in parisuddha-kāya-kammantatā); dhammikā k˚ā M ii.191; ākiṇṇa-k˚ (evam-) of such character S i.204; kurūra-k˚ (adj.) of cruel character A iii.383=Pug 56 (in def. of puggalo orabbhiko); sammā˚ of right doing, opp. micchā˚, as constituting one element of character as pertaining to "Magga" (: q. v.) D ii.216; S ii.168; v.1; A iii.411; Bdhd 135; expl. as kāya-kamma (=sīla 1-3) at S v.9=Vbh 105; Vbh 235; as kāya-duccaritehi ārati virati . . . Vbh 106.
    -âdhiṭṭhāyika superintendent of work DhA i.393; -ṭṭhāna: 1. the spot where the ceremonies of the Ploughing Festival take place J i.57; 2. the common ground of a village, a village bazaar J iv.306; -dāsa a farm-servant J i.468; -bheri the drum announcing the (taking up of) business DhA iii.100; -vipatti "failure of action," evil-doing A i.270 opp. -sampadā "perfection of action, right-doing" A i.271; -saŋvidhāna the providing of work D iii.191 (one of the 5 duties of the gahapati).