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   1) pacceka (p. 385)

Pacceka Pacceka (adj.) [paṭi+eka, cp. BSk. pratyeka Divy 335, 336] each one, single, by oneself, separate, various, several D i.49 (itthi); ii.261 (˚vasavattin, of the 10 issaras); S i.26 (˚gāthā a stanza each), 146 (˚brahma an independent Brahma); A ii.41 (˚sacca); v.29 (id.); Sn 824 (id.), 1009 (˚gaṇino each one having followers= visuŋ visuŋ gaṇavanto SnA 583); J iv.114 (˚bodhiñāṇa); Nd1 58 (˚muni); DA i.148 (paccekā itthiyo); SnA 52 (˚bodhisatta one destined to become a Paccekabuddha), 67 (id.), 73 (˚sambodhi), 476 (niraya a separate or special purgatory); PvA 251 (id.), Sdhp 589 (˚bodhi). — paccekaŋ (adv.) singly, individually, to each one VvA 282. See also pāṭekka.
    -buddha one enlightened by himself, i. e. one who has attained to the supreme and perfect insight, but dies without proclaiming the truth to the world. M iii.68; S i.92 ("Silent Buddha" trsln); J iii.470; iv.114; Ud 50 (P. Tagarasikhi); Nett 190; KhA 178, 199; SnA 47, 58, 63; DhA i.80, 171, 224, 230; iv.201; PvA 144, 263, 265 (=isi), 272, 283.