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   1) sacca (p. 668)

Sacca Sacca (adj.) [cp. Sk. satya] real, true D i.182; M ii.169; iii.207; Dh 408; nt. saccaŋ truly, verily, certainly Miln 120; saccaŋ kira is it really true? D i.113; Vin i.45, 60; J i.107; saccato truly S iii.112. — (nt. as noun) saccaŋ the truth A ii.25, 115 (parama˚); Dh 393; also: a solemn asseveration Mhvs 25, 18. Sacce patiṭṭhāya keeping to fact, M i.376. — pl. (cattāri) saccāni the (four) truths M ii.199; A ii.41, 176; Sn 883 sq.; Dhs 358. — The 4 ariya-saccāni are the truth about dukkha, dukkhasamudaya, dukkha-nirodha, and dukkha-nirodha-gāminipaṭipadā. Thus e. g. at Vin i.230; D ii.304 sq.; iii.277; A i.175 sq.; Vism 494 sq.; VbhA 116 sq., 141 sq. A shortened statement as dukkha, samudaya, nirodha, magga is freq. found, e. g. Vin i.16; see under dukkha B. 1. — See also ariyasacca & asacca. — iminā saccena in consequence of this truth, i. e. if this be true J i.294.
    -avhaya deserving his name, Cp. of the Buddha Sn 1133, cp. Nd2 624. -âdhitthāna determined on truth M iii.245; D iii.229. -ânupaṭṭi realization of truth M ii.173 sq. -ânubodha awakening to truth M ii.171 sq. -ânurakkhaṇa warding of truth, M ii.176. -âbhinivesa inclination to dogmatize, one of the kāya-ganthas S v.59; Dhs 1139; DhsA 377. -âbhisamaya comprehension of the truth Sn 758; Th 1, 338; ThA 239. -kāra ratification, pledge, payment in advance as guarantee J i.121. -kiriyā a solemn declaration, a declaration on oath J i.214, 294; iv.31, 142; v.94; Miln 120; Mhvs 18, 39 (see trsln p. 125 on term). -ñāṇa knowledge of the truth Vism 510; DhA iv.152. -nāma doing justice to one's name, bearing a true name, Ep. of the Buddha A iii.346; iv.285, 289; PvA 231. -nikkhama truthful Sn 542. -paṭivedha penetration of the truth Ps ii.57. -vanka a certain kind of fish J v.405 (the Copenhagen MS. has [sa]sacca-vanka, which has been given by Fausböll as sata-vanka). -vacana (1) veracity M i.403; Dh i.160; (2)=saccakiriyā KhA 169, 180. -vajja truthfulness D i.53; S iv.349; J iv.320. -vācā id. A ii.228; iii.244; J i.201. -vādin truthful, speaking the truth D i.4; iii.170; A ii.209; iv.249, 389; S i.66; Sn 59; Dh 217; Miln 120; Nd2 623; DhA iii.288. -vivaṭṭa revelation of truth Ps i.11. -sandha truthful, reliable D i.4; iii.170; A ii.209; iv.249; DA i.73. -sammatā popular truth, maxim S iv.230.