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   1) samādhi (p. 685)

Samādhi Samādhi [fr. saŋ+ā+dhā] 1. concentration; a concentrated, self-collected, intent state of mind and meditation, which, concomitant with right living, is a necessary condition to the attainment of higher wisdom and emancipation. In the Subha-suttanta of the Dīgha (D i.209 sq.) samādhi-khandha ("section on concentration") is the title otherwise given to the cittasampadā, which, in the ascending order of merit accruing from the life of a samaṇa (see Sāmaññaphala-suttanta, and cp. Dial. i.57 sq.) stands between the sīla-sampadā and the paññā-sampadā. In the Ambaṭṭha-sutta the corresponding terms are sīla, caraṇa, vijjā (D. i.100). Thus samādhi would comprise (a) the guarding of the senses (indriyesu gutta-dvāratā), (b) self-possession (sati-sampajañña), (c) contentment (santuṭṭhi), (d) emancipation from the 5 hindrances (nīvaraṇāni), (e) the 4 jhānas. In the same way we find samādhi grouped as one of the sampadās at A iii.12 (sīla˚, samādhi˚, paññā˚, vimutti˚), and as samādhi-khandha (with sīla˚ & paññā˚) at D iii.229 (+vimutti˚); A i.125; ii.20; iii.15; v.326; Nd1 21; Nd2 p. 277 (s. v. sīla). It is defined as cittassa ekaggatā M i.301; Dhs 15; DhsA 118; cp. Cpd. 89 n. 4; identified with avikkhepa Dhs 57, and with samatha Dhs 54. — sammā˚ is one the constituents of the eightfold ariya-magga, e. g. D iii.277; VbhA 120 sq. — See further D ii.123 (ariya); Vin i.97, 104; S i.28; Nd1 365; Miln 337; Vism 84 sq. (with definition), 289 (+vipassanā), 380 (˚vipphārā iddhi); VbhA 91; DhA i.427; and on term in general Heiler, Buddhistische Versenkung 104 sq. — 2. Description & characterization of samādhi: Its four nimittas or signs are the four satipaṭṭhānas M i.301; six conditions and six hindrances A iii.427; other hindrances M iii.158. The second jhāna is born from samādhi D ii.186; it is a condition for attaining kusalā dhammā A i.115; Miln 38; conducive to insight A iii.19, 24 sq., 200; S iv.80; to seeing heavenly sights etc. D i.173; to removing mountains etc. A iii.311; removes the delusions of self A i.132 sq.; leads to Arahantship A ii.45; the ānantarika s. Sn 226; cetosamādhi (rapture of mind) D i.13; A ii.54; iii.51; S iv.297; citta˚ id. Nett 16. dhammasamādhi almost identical with samatha S iv.350 sq. — Two grades of samādhi distinguished, viz. upacāra-s. (preparatory concentration) and appanā-s. (attainment concentration) DA i.217; Vism 126; Cpd. 54, 56 sq.; only the latter results in jhāna; to these a 3rd (preliminary) grade is added as khaṇika˚ (momentary) at Vism 144. — Three kinds of s. are distinguished, suññata or empty, appaṇihita or aimless, and animitta or signless A i.299; S iv.360; cp. iv.296; Vin iii.93; Miln 337; cp. 333 sq.; DhsA 179 sq., 222 sq., 290 sq.; see Yogāvacara's Manual p. xxvii; samādhi (tayo samādhī) is savitakka savicāra, avitakka vicāramatta or avitakka avicāra D iii.219; Kvu 570; cp. 413; Miln 337; DhsA 179 sq.; it is fourfold chanda-, viriya-, citta-, and vīmaŋsā-samādhi D ii.213; S v.268. — Another fourfold division is that into hāna-bhāgiya, ṭhiti˚, visesa˚, nibbedha˚ D iii.277 (as "dhammā duppaṭivijjhā").
    -indriya the faculty of concentration A ii.149; Dhs 15. -khandha the section on s. see above 1. -ja produced by concentration D i.74; iii.13; Vism 158. -parikkhāra requisite to the attainment of samādhi: either 4 (the sammappadhānas) M i.301; or 7: D ii.216; iii.252; A iv.40. -bala the power of concentration A i.94; ii.252; D iii.213, 253; Dhs 28. -bhāvanā cultivation, attainment of samādhi M i.301; A ii.44 sq. (four different kinds mentioned); iii.25 sq.; D iii.222; Vism 371. -saŋvattanika conducive to concentration A ii.57; S iv.272 sq.; D iii.245; Dhs 1344. -sambojjhanga the s. constituent of enlightment D iii.106, 226, 252; Vism 134=VbhA 283 (with the eleven means of cultivating it).