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   1) sankappa (p. 662)

Sankappa Sankappa [saŋ+kḷp, cp. kappeti fig. meaning] thought, intention, purpose, plan D iii.215; S ii.143 sq.; A i.281; ii.36; Dh 74; Sn 154, 1144; Nd1 616 (=vitakka ñāṇa paññā buddhi); Dhs 21; DhA ii.78. As equivalent of vitakka also at D iii.215; A iv.385; Dhs 7. —kāma˚ a lustful thought A iii.259; v.31. paripuṇṇa˚ having one's intentions fulfilled M i.192; iii.276; D iii.42; A v.92, 97 sq.; sara˚ memories & hopes M i.453; S iv.76; vyāpāda˚, vihiŋsa˚, malicious, cruel purposes, M ii.27 sq.; sammā˚ right thoughts or intentions, one of the angas of the 8-fold Path (ariya-magga) Vin i.10; D ii.312; A iii.140; VbhA 117. Sankappa is defd at DhsA 124 as (cetaso) abhiniropanā, i. e. application of the mind. See on term also Cpd. 238.