Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
   Bhūta Bhūta [pp. of bhavati, Vedic etc. bhūta] grown, become; born, produced; nature as the result of becoming. — The (exegetical) definition by Bdhgh of the word bhūta is interesting. He (at MA i.31) distinguishes the foll. 7 meanings of the term: (1) animate Nature as principle, or the vital aggregates (the 5 Khandhas), with ref. M i.260; (2) ghosts (amanussā) Sn 222; (3) inanimate Nature as principle, or the Elements (the 4 dhātus) S iii.101 (mahābhūtā); (4) all that exists, physical existence in general (vijjamānaŋ) Vin iv.25 (bhūtaŋ); (5) what we should call a simple predicative use, is exemplified by a typical dogmatic example, viz. "kālaghaso bhūto," where bhūta is given as meaning khīṇāsava (Arahant) J ii.260; (6) all beings or specified existence, animal kingdom (sattā) D ii.157; (7) the vegetable kingdom, plants, vegetation (rukkh' ādayo) Vin iv.34 (as bhūta-gāma). — Meanings: 1. bhūtā & bhūtāni (pl.) beings, living beings, animate Nature Sn 35 (expld at Nd2 479 as 2 kinds, viz. tasā & thāvarā, movable & immovable; S. ii.47 (K.S. ii.36) mind and body as come-to-be; Dh 131 (bhūtāni), 405; M i.2 sq. (paṭhavī, āpo etc., bhūtā, devā, Pajāpatī etc.), 4; MA i.32. The pl. nt. bhūtāni is used as pl. to meaning 2; viz. inanimate Nature, elements, usually enumd under term mahā-bhūtāni. — 2. (nt.) nature, creation, world M i.2 (bhūte bhūtato sañjānāti recognises the beings from nature, i. e. from the fact of being nature); DhsA 312 (˚pasāda-lakkhaṇa, see Expos. 409). See cpds. ˚gāma, ˚pubba (?). — 3. (nt. adj.) that which is, i. e. natural, genuine, true; nt. truth; neg. abhūta falsehood, lie Sn 397; PvA 34. See cpds. ˚bhāva, ˚vacana, ˚vāda. — 4. a supernatural being, ghost, demon, Yakkha; pl. bhūtā guardian genii (of a city) J iv.245. See cpds. ˚vijja, ˚vejja. — 5. (-˚) pp. in predicative use (cp. on this meaning Bdhgh's meaning No. 5, above): (a) what has been or happened; viz. mātu-bhūtā having been his mother PvA 78; abhūtapubbaŋ bhūtaŋ what has never happened before happened (now) DA i.43 (in expln of abbhuta); — (b) having become such & such, being like, acting as, being, quâsi (as it were), consisting of, e. g. andha˚ blind, as it were J vi.139; aru˚ consisting of wounds DhA iii.109; udapāna˚ being a well, a well so to speak PvA 78; opāna˚ acting as a spring A iv.185; hetu˚ as reason, being the reason PvA 58; cp. cakkhu˚ having become an eye of wisdom. Sometimes bhūta in this use hardly needs to be translated at all.
    -kāya body of truth DhA i.11. -gāma vegetation, as trees, plants, grass, etc. Under bhūtagāma Bdhgh understands the 5 bīja-jātāni (5 groups of plants springing from a germinative power: see bīja), viz. mūla-bījaŋ, khandha˚, phala˚, agga˚, bīja˚. Thus in C. on Vin iv.34 (the so-called bhūtagāma-sikkhāpada, quoted at DhA iii.302 & SnA 3); cp. M iii.34; J v.46; Miln 3, 244. -gāha possession by a demon Miln 168 (cp. Divy 235). -ṭṭhāna place of a ghost KhA 170. -pati (a) lord of beings J v.113 (of Inda); vi.362 (id.); Vv 641 (id.). (b) lord of ghosts, or Yakkhas J vi.269 (of Kuvera). -pubba (a) as adj. (-˚) having formerly been so & so, as mātā bhūtapubbo satto, pitā etc., in untraced quotation at Vism 305; also at SnA 359 (Bhagavā kuṇāla-rājā bhūtapubbo). — (b) as adv. (bhūtapubbaŋ) meaning: before all happening, before creation, at a very remote stage of the world, in old times, formerly Vin ii.201; D i.92; ii.167, 285, 337; M i.253; iii.176; S i.216, 222, 227; iv.201; v.447; A iv.136=Vism 237; A iv.432; J i.394; DhA i.56. -bhavya past and future D i.18. -bhāva truthful character, neg. a˚ PvA 14. -vacana statement of reality or of the truth SnA 336. -vādin truthful, speaking the truth M i.180; D iii.175; Pug 58; untruthful Dh 306; J ii.416. -vikāra a natural blemish, fault of growth, deformity SnA 189 (opp. nibbikāra). -vijjā knowledge of demons, exorcism D i.9; Dh i.93, cp. Dial. i.17). -vejja a healer of harm caused by demons, an exorcist Vin iv.84; J ii.215; iii.511; Miln 23.
   Bhūtatta Bhūtatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. bhūta] the fact of having grown, become or being created (i. e. being creatures or part of creation) Vism 310 (in def. of bhūtā); MA i.32 (id.).
   Bhūtanaka Bhūtanaka [cp. *Sk. bhūtṛna] a fragrant grass; Andropogon schoenanthus J vi.36 (=phanijjaka); Vism 543 (so v. l. for T. bhūtinaka).
   Bhūtika Bhūtika (adj.) (-˚) in cpd. cātummahā˚ belongs to the whole expression, viz. composed of the 4 great elements M i.515.
   Bhūnaha Bhūnaha [difficult to expln; is it an old misspelling for bhūta+gha? The latter of han?] a destroyer of beings Sn 664 (voc. bhūnahu, expld by SnA 479 as "bhūti-hanaka vuddhi-nāsaka"; vv. ll. bhūnahaṭa, bhūnahoṭa, bhūhata, all showing the difficulty of the archaic word); J v.266 (pl. bhūnahuno, expld by C. 272 as "isīnaŋ ativattāro attano vaḍḍhiyā hatattā bh."). Cp. M i.502 ("puritanical" suggested by Lord Chalmers).
   Bhūma Bhūma (-˚) [=bhūmi] 1. (lit.) ground, country, district S iii.5 (pacchā˚ the western district). — 2. (fig.) ground, reason for, occasion; stage, step Sn 896 (avivāda˚ ground of harmony; according to SnA 557 Ep. of Nibbāna).
   Bhūmaka Bhūmaka (& ˚ika) (adj.) (only -˚) [from bhūma, or bhūmi] 1. having floors or stories (of buildings) as dve˚ pāsāda DhA i.414; pañca˚ pāsāda a palace with 5 stories J i.58, 89; satta˚ with 7 stories (pāsāda) DhA ii.1, 260. The form ˚ika at DhA i.182 (dve˚ geha). — 2. belonging to a place or district, as jāti˚ from the land of (their) birth M i.147; pacchā˚ from the western country S iv.312 (brāhmaṇā). — 3. being on a certain plane or in a certain state, as paritta˚ & mahā˚ Vbh 340 te˚ in 3 planes SnA 4 (of the 5 Khandhas), 510 (˚vaṭṭa); DhA i.36 (kusala), 305 (˚vaṭṭa); iv.69 (tebhūmaka-vaṭṭa-sankhātaŋ Māra-bandhanaŋ), 72 (dhammā); catu˚ in 4 planes DhsA 296 (kusala); DhA i.35 (citta). The form ˚ika at DhA i.288 (with ref. to citta).
   Bhūmi Bhūmi (f.) [cp. Vedic bhūmi, Av. būmiš soil, ground, to bhū, as in bhavati, cp. Gr. φύσις etc. See bhavati] 1. (lit.) ground, soil, earth Vin ii.175; Sn 418 (yāna˚ carriage road); Pv i.1014≈; SnA 353 (heṭṭhā-bhūmiyaŋ under the earth); DhA i.414 (id., opp. upari-bhūmiyaŋ). — 2. place, quarter, district, region M i.145 (jāti˚ district of one's birth); Sn 830 (vighāta˚); Nd2 475 (danta˚); DhA i.213 (āpāna˚); PvA 80 (susāna˚). —uyyāna˚ garden (-place or locality) Vv 6419; Pv ii.129; J i.58. — 3. (fig.) ground, plane, stage, level; state of consciousness, Vin. i.17; Vbh 322 sq.; Vism 126, 442 (with ref. to the 4 Paṭisambhidā, as sekha-bhūmi & asekha-bhūmi), 517 (paññā˚-niddesa). Usually -˚: indriya˚ Nett 192; dassana˚ plane of insight Nett 8, 14, 50; sukha˚ ground for happiness Dhs 984 (cp. DhsA 214). —bhūmi-ttaya the 3 stages, viz. kāmâvacara, rūpâvacara, lokuttara Vism 493. — pl. bhūmiyo Ps ii.205=Vism 384 (appld to the 4 jhānas); purisa˚ (aṭṭha p. bh. eight stages of the individual; viz. manda-bhūmi, khiḍḍā˚, vīmaŋsana˚, ujugata˚, sekha˚, samaṇa˚, jina˚, panna˚, or as trsld by Rh. D. in Dial. i.72, under "eight stages of a prophet's existence"; babyhood, playtime, trial time, erect time, learning time, ascetic time, prophet time & prostrate time. Cp. the 10 decades of man's life, as given by Bdhgh at Vism 619). — Bdhgh, when defining the 2 meanings of bhūmi as "mahā-paṭhavī" and as "cittuppāda" (rise of thought) had in view the distinction between its literal & figurative meaning. But this def. (at DhsA 214) is vague & only popular. — An old loc. of bhūmi is bhumyā, e. g. J i.507; v.84. Another form of bhūmi at end of cpds. is bhūma (q. v.).
    -kampa shaking of the ground, earthquake Miln 178. -gata "gone into the soil," i. e. hiding, stored away J i.375. -ghana thick soil SnA 149, cp. paṭhavi-ghana ibid. 146. -tala ground (-surface) PvA 186. -padesa place or region upon the earth J vi.95. -pappaṭaka outgrowths in the soil D iii.87=Vism 418. -pothana beating the ground DhA i.171. -bhāga division of the earth, district J i.109; v.200; VvA 125; PvA 29, 154. -laddh'(uppanna) acquired on a certain stage of existence SnA 4. -saya lying or sleeping on the ground DhA ii.61.
   Bhūri Bhūri1 (f.) [cp. late Sk. bhūr] the earth; given as name for the earth (paṭhavi) at Ps ii.197; see also def. at DhsA 147. Besides these only in 2 doubtful cpds., both resting on demonology, viz. bhūrikamma D i.12, expld as "practices to be observed by one living in a bhūrighara or earth-house" (?) DA i.97, but cp. Vedic bhūri-karman "much effecting"; and bhūrivijjā D i.9, expld as "knowledge of charms to be pronounced by one living in an earth-house" (?) DA i.93. See Dial. i.18, 25. The meaning of the terms is obscure; there may have been (as Kern rightly suggests: see Toev. s. v.) quite a diff. popular practice behind them, which was unknown to the later Commentator. Kern suggests that bhūri-vijjā might be a secret science to find gold (digging for it: science of hidden treasures), and ˚kamma might be "making gold" (alchemistic science). Perhaps the term bhumma-jāla is to be connected with these two.
   Bhūri Bhūri2 (adj.) [cp. Vedic bhūri] wide, extensive, much, abundant, DhsA 147 (in def. of the term bhūri1, i. e. earth); otherwise only in cpds.: ˚pañña (adj.) of extensive wisdom, very wise S iv.205; Sn 346, 792, 1097, 1143; Pv iii.55; Ps ii.197 ("paṭhavī-samāya vitthatāya vipulāya paññāya samannāgato ti bhūripañño," with other definitions); Nd1 95 (same expln as under Ps ii.197); Nd2 415 C. (id.). ˚paññāṇa (adj.) same as ˚pañña Sn 1136 ≈ (cp. Nd2 480). ˚medhasa (adj.) very intelligent S i.42, 174; iii.143; A iv.449; Sn 1131, 1136; Th 1, 1266; Pv iii.77.
   Bhūrī Bhūrī (f.) [is it original? Cp. BSk. bhūri in same sense at Lal. V. 444, 541; MVastu iii.332] knowledge, understanding, intelligence Dh 282, quoted at DhsA 76 (expld as termed so because it is as widespread as the earth; Dhs 16; DhA iii.421; same expln at DhsA 148); J vi.415.
   Bhūsana Bhūsana (nt.) [fr. bhūṣ] ornament, decoration Vism 10 (yatino-sīla-bhūsana-bhūsitā contrasted to rājāno muttāmaṇi-vibhūsitā).
   Bhūsā Bhūsā (f.) [fr. bhūṣ] ornament, decoration, only in cpd. bhūsa- (read bhūsā-)dassaneyya beautiful as an ornament Pv iii.32.
   Bhūseti Bhūseti [Caus. of bhūṣ, to be busy; in meaning "to adorn" etc. Expld at Dhtp. 315, 623 by "alankāra"] to adorn, embellish, beautify. Only in pp. bhūsita adorned with (-˚) Pv ii.952, 127; iii.35; J vi.53. Cp. vi˚.
   Bheka Bheka [cp. Vedic bheka, onomat.] a frog Th 1, 310; J iii.430; iv.247; vi.208.
   Bhecchati Bhecchati is fut. of bhindati (q. v.).
   Bhejja Bhejja (adj.) [grd. of bhindati] to be split, only in neg. form abhejja not to be split or sundered Sn 255; J i.263; iii.318; Pug 30; Miln 160, 199.
   Bhejjanaka Bhejjanaka (adj.) [fr. bhejja] breakable; like bhejja only in neg. form abhejjanaka indestructible J i.393.