Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary
   Sunka Sunka (m. and nt.) [cp. Vedic śulka, nt.] 1. toll, tax, customs Vin iii.52; iv.131; A i.54 sq.; DhA ii.2; J iv.132; vi.347; PvA iii. — 2. gain, profit Th 2, 25; ThA 32. — 3. purchase-price of a wife Th 2, 420; J vi.266; Miln 47 sq. — odhisunka stake J vi.279; ˚-gahana J v.254; a-suŋkâraha J v.254.
    -ghāta customs' frontier Vin iii.47, 52. -ṭṭhāna taxing place, customs' house Vin iii.62; Miln 359. -sāyika (?) customs' officer Miln 365 (read perhaps ˚sādhaka or ˚sālika?).
   Sunkika Sunkika [sunka+ika] a receiver of customs J v.254.
   Sunkiya Sunkiya (nt.) [abstr. fr. sunka] price paid for a wife J vi.266.
   Suci Suci (adj.) [Vedic śuci] pure, clean, white D i.4; A i.293; Sn 226, 410. — opp. asuci impure A iii.226; v.109, 266. — (nt.) purity, pure things J i.22; goodness, merit Dp 245; a tree used for making foot-boards VvA 8.
    -kamma whose actions are pure Dh 24. -gandha having a sweet perfume Dh 58; DhA i.445. -gavesin longing for purity S i.205; DhA iii.354. -ghaṭika read sūcighaṭikā at Vin ii.237. -ghara Vin ii.301 sq.; see sūcighara. -jātika of clean descent J ii.11. -bhojana pure food Sn 128. -mhita having a pleasant, serene smile Vv 1810; 5025; 6412; VvA 96, 280 (also explained as a name); J iv.107. -vasana wearing clean, bright clothes Sn 679.
   Sucimant Sucimant (adj.) [suci+mant] pure, an epithet of the Buddha A iv.340.
   Sujā Sujā (f.) [Vedic sruc, f.] a sacrificial ladle D i.120, 138; S i.169; DA i.289, 299.
   Sujjhati Sujjhati [śudh which the Dhtp (417) defines as "soceyye," i. e. from cleansing] to become clean or pure M i.39; S i.34, 166; Nd1 85; Vism 3; cp. pari˚. — pp. suddha. — Caus. sodheti (q. v.).
   Sujjhana Sujjhana (nt.) [fr. sujjhati] purification Vism 44.
   Suñña Suñña (adj.) [cp. Sk. śūnya, fr. Vedic śūna, nt., void] 1. empty, uninhabited D i.17; ii.202; S i.180; iv.173; DA i.110; Miln 5. — 2. empty, devoid of reality, unsubstantial, phenomenal M i.435; S iii.167; iv.54, 296; Sn 1119; Nd1 439 (loka). — 3. empty, void, useless M i.483; S iv.54, 297; Dāvs v.17; Miln 96; Vism 594 sq. (of nāmarūpa, in simile with suñña dāruyanta). suññasuñña empty of permanent substance Ps ii.178; asuñña not empty Miln 130. — nt. suññaŋ emptiness, annihilation, Nibbāna Vism 513 (three nirodha-suññāni); abl. ˚to from the point of view of the "Empty" Nd2 680 (long exegesis of suññato at Sn 1119); Vism 512; VbhA 89, 261; KhA 74.
    -āgāra an empty place, an uninhabited spot, solitude Vin i.97, 228; ii.158, 183; iii.70, 91 sq.; D i.175; ii.86; 291, M i.33; S iv.133, 359 sq.; A iii.353; iv.139, 392, 437; v.109, 207, 323 sq.; It 39; J iii.191; Miln 344; Vism 270; Nd2 94. -gāma an empty (deserted) village (in similes) Vism 484; VbhA 48; Dhs 597; DhsA 309; ˚tthāna Vism 353; VbhA 57.
   Suññata Suññata (adj.) [i. e. the abl. suññato used as adj. nom.] void, empty, devoid of lusts, evil dispositions, and karma, but especially of soul, ego Th 2, 46; ThA 50; Dhs 344; Mhvs 37, 7; nibbāna DhsA 221; phassa S iv.295; vimokkha Dh 92; DhA ii.172; Miln 413; vimokkha samādhi, and samāpatti Vin iii.92 sq.; iv.25 sq.; samādhi (contemplation of emptiness, see Cpd. 216) D iii.219 (one of. three samādhis); S iv.360, 363; Miln 337; anupassanā Ps ii.43 sq.
   Suññatā Suññatā (f.) [abstr. fr. suñña] emptiness, "void," unsubstantiality, phenomenality; freedom from lust, ill-will, and dullness, Nibbāna M iii.111; Kvu 232; DhsA 221; Nett 118 sq., 123 sq., 126; Miln 16; Vism 333 (n'atthi; suñña; vivitta; i, e. abhāva, suññatā, vivitt'ākāra), 578 (12 fold, relating to the Paṭiccasamuppāda), 653 sq.; VbhA 262 (atta˚, attaniya˚, niccabhāva˚).
  -pakāsana the gospel of emptiness DA i.99, 123; -paṭisaŋyutta relating to the Void, connected with Nibbāna A i.72=iii.107=S ii.267; DA i.100 sq.; Miln 16; -vihāra dwelling in the concept of emptiness Vin ii.304; M iii.104, 294. See on term e. g. Cpd. 69; Kvu trsln 142, n. 4.
   Suññatta Suññatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. suñña] emptiness, the state of being devoid DhsA 221.
   Suṭṭhu Suṭṭhu (indecl.) [cp. Sk. suṣṭhu, fr. su˚] well; the usual C. expln of the prefix su2 PvA 19, 51, 52, 58, 77, 103 etc.; s. tāta well, father J i.170; s. kataŋ you have done well J i.287; DA i.297; suṭṭhutaraŋ still more J i.229; SnA 418.
   Suṭṭhutā Suṭṭhutā (f.) [abstr. fr. suṭṭhu] excellence A i.98 sq.; Nett 50.
   Suṇa Suṇa "dog," preferable spelling for suna, cp. Geiger, P.Gr. § 931.
   Suṇāti Suṇāti (suṇoti) [śru, Vedic śṛṇoti; cp. Gr. κλέω to praise; Lat. clueo to be called; Oir. clunim to hear; Goth. hliup attention, hliuma hearing, and many others] to hear. Pres. suṇāti D i.62, 152; S v.265; Sn 696; It 98; Miln 5. — suṇoti J iv.443; Pot. suṇeyya Vin i.7; D i.79; suṇe J iv.240; Imper. suṇa S iii.121; sunāhi Sn p. 21; suṇohi D i.62; Sn 997; 3rd sg. suṇātu Vin i.56; 1st pl. suṇāma Sn 354; suṇoma Sn 350, 988, 1110; Pv iv.131. — 2nd pl. suṇātha D i.131; ii.76; It 41; Sn 385; PvA 13. suṇotha Sn 997; Miln 1. — 3rd pl. suṇantu Vin i.5; — ppr. sunanto Sn 1023; DA i.261; savaŋ J iii.244. — inf. sotuŋ D ii.2; Sn 384; suṇitum Miln 91. — Fut. sossati D ii.131, 265; J ii.107; J ii.63; Ap 156; VvA 187; 1st sg. sussaŋ Sn 694. — 2nd sg. sossi J vi.423. — aor. 1st sg. assuŋ J iii.572. — 2nd sg. assu J iii.541. — 3rd sg. suṇi J iv.336; assosi D i.87, 152; Sn p. 103; 1st pl. assumha J ii.79. — 2nd pl. assuttha S i.157; ii.230. 3rd pl. assosuŋ Vin i.18; D i.111. — ger. sutvā Vin i.12; D i.4; Sn 30. sutvāna Vin i.19; D ii.30; Sn 202. suṇitvā J v.96; Mhvs 23, 80. suṇiya Mhvs 23, 101. — Pass. sūyati M i.30; J i.72, 86; Miln 152. suyyati J iv.141; J iv.160; v.459. 3rd pl. sūyare J vi.528. — Grd. savanīya what should be heard, agreeable to the ear D ii.211. sotabba D i.175; ii.346. — pp. suta: see separately. — Caus. sāveti to cause to hear, to tell, declare, announce J i.344; Mhvs 5, 238; PvA 200; VvA 66. nāmaŋ s. to shout out one's name Vin i.36; DA i.262; maŋ dāsī ti sāvaya announce me to be your slave J iii.437; cp. J iv.402 (but see on this passage and on J iii.198; vi.486 Kern's proposed reading sāṭeti); to cause to be heard, to play D ii.265. Caus. also suṇāpeti DhA i.206. — Desiderative sussūsati (often written sussūyati) D i.230; M iii.133 (text sussūsanti), A iv.393 (do.). — ppr. sussusaŋ Sn 189 (var. read., text sussussā); sussūsamāna Sn 383; aor. sussūsiŋsu Vin i.10; fut. sussūsissanti Vin i.150; S ii.267 (text sussu-).
   Suṇisā Suṇisā (f.) [Vedic snuṣā; cp. Gr. νυός; Ohg. snur; Ags. snoru; Lat. nurus] a daughter-in-law Vin i.240; iii.136; D ii.148; M i.186, 253; J vi.498; Vv 135 (=puttassa bhariyā VvA 61); DhA i.355; iv.8; Pv ii.46 (pl. suṇisāyo, so read for sūtisāye). — suṇhā the same Vin ii.10; A iv.91; Th 2, 406; J ii.347; vi.506; Pv iv.3.43