Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
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Search for headword: انگشت
2 results

   1) انگشت angisht (p. 114)
انگشت angisht (S. aṅgāra), Charcoal.
   2) انگشت angusht (p. 114)
انگشت angusht (S. aṅgushṭa), A finger; a toe; a measure of nine inches; — angushti āsiyā, The handle by which a mill is turned; — angushti āftāb, The lines formed by the sunbeams; — angusht afshurdan, To give a warning or intimation; — angusht ba dandān gazīdan, To be amazed, astonished; to grieve; — angusht bar jabīn nihādan, To salute; — angusht bar chashm (dīda) nihādan, To accept, to approve; — angusht bar ḥarf nihādan, To blame, censure, criticise; — angusht bar dahān nihādan, angusht bar giriftan, To put the finger on the mouth [an Eastern manner of expressing surprise, which motion of the finger is called angushti taḥayyur (taʻajjub, ḥairān, ḥairāt), The finger of wonderment; — angushti burak, A kind of mole whose flesh is poison; — angusht bar lab zadan, To blame, scold; — angusht ba-gosh nihādan, To turn a deaf ear; — angushti buzurg, The thumb; the middle finger; — angushti ḥalqa, The ring-finger; — angusht ḵẖāʼīdan (gazīdan), To grieve, be sorry, or vexed, to repent [hence angushti ḥasrat (ḥaif, direg̠ẖ), The finger of grief; — angushti pashīmānī (nadāmat), The finger of repentance]; to beckon silence; — angusht dāshtan dar kāre, To have a finger in the pie (m.c.); — angushti dirāz (mihīn, miyāna), The long or middle finger; — angushti dushnām, The fore-finger, index [so named because held up in scolding, and also called angushti shak (of doubt), angashti shukr (of giving thanks), and angushti shihādat (of witnessing either to the faith or in a court of justice)]; — angushti zāʼid (ziyād), A sixth finger, considered as a blemish; — angusht zadan, To snap the fingers (in joy); — angushti suturk, The thumb; — angushti samīn (fat finger), The thumb; — angushti shikam, Membrum virile; — angushti ʻarūs, A kind of sweetmeat; a grape; — angushti ʻasal ba-dīwār kashīdan (to draw a finger dipped in honey over the wall), To raise a hubbub (as of flies attracted by honey); — angusht kardan, To put on the finger (m.c.); — angusht kashīdan, To efface, obliterate; — angushti kanīzakān, Sweet basil; a kind of grape; — angushti kūchak, angushti kihīn, The little finger; — angushti ganda, Assafœtida; — angushti nar, The thumb; the great toe; assafœtida; — angusht nihādan, To censure; — angushti nīl kashīdan, To abandon a work; ignominy; poverty; — bā angusht giriftan, To count with the fingers.