Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
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Search for headword: زانو
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   1) زانو zānū (p. 607)
زانو zānū , The knee; the lap; a bow, obeisance; worship; — zānū bar zamīn nihādan, To show great respect or reverence; — zānū bar dil nihādan, To watch (as the cat for a mouse); — zānū ba-zānū, Knee to knee; — zānū tah kardan, To sit on one's knees (a reverential position in the East); — zānū raṣad-gāh kardan, To sit and muse pensively; to watch; — zānū zadan, To kneel; — zānūʼi kāh, A truss of straw; — zānūʼi kaftār ba-guftani kalūḵẖ bastan, To frighten away a hyena by uttering the word kalūḵẖ (which seems to imply that the hyena knows by experience that the word kalūḵẖ means a brick or a clod of earth); — zānūm, My knee (m.c.); — az sari zānū qadam sāḵẖtan, (met.) To assume a contemplative or observing position; — ba-dū zānūʼi adab nishastan, To sit on both knees upon one's heels, a more polite and respectful position than sitting cross-legged, which is called "four-knees" (see چهارزانو); — ba-zānū dar-āmadan, To kneel; — ba-zānū zadan, To strike one's knee (in sign of despair); — chū sag dar pasi zānū nishāndan, To set one on the watch; — dar pasi zānū uftādan, (met.) To retire to a corner, to seek solitude; — sari zānū, The knee-pan.