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Search for headword: پشت
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   1) پشت pusht (p. 252)
پشت pusht (S. prishṭa), The back; the outside; the blade of a sword; a support, prop; a protector, patron; a pannel, pack-saddle, knot, upon which porters in the East carry their burdens; generation, descent; a catamite; name of a town in Khurāsān, and of a district in the vicinity of Nīshābūr; — pushti bām, The flat surface of a roof or a terrace; a partisan; — pusht ba pusht, Generation to generation; — pusht bar āwardan, To turn the back in flight; — pusht bar jān kardan, To give up life; to obtain life; — pusht bar dīwār māndan, To be bewildered, astonished, amazed; — pusht bar zamīn āwardan, To throw flat on the ground; — pusht bar kūh būdan (dāshtan), pusht bar dīwar dādan, To have complete power over a thing; — pushti pā ḵẖārīdan, To rejoice, to be in high spirits or flourishing circumstances; — pushti pā zadan, To take to one's heels; to abandon; — pushti pāy, The convex or upper part of the foot; — pushti parwīn, (met.) The back of a camel of burden; — pushti palang, Mottled, dappled; — pushti teg̠ẖ (shamshīr), The back of a sword-blade; — pushti chashm tang (nāzik) kardan, To look at with coquetry, with feigned or real disdain, with pride; — pushti chaman, A grass-plot; — pushti chādir, The back of the tent (m.c.); — pusht ḵẖam kardan (dādan), pusht dū-tā kardan, To humiliate oneself, to show submission; — pusht dād, He gave (or showed) his back, he fled; he backed or supported; — pushti dast bar zamīn nihādan, A gesture of respect; — pushti dast bar-kandan (ḵẖāʼīdan, gazīdan, ba-dandān gazīdan), To bite the back of the hand, (met.) to repent; — pushti zamīn, The surface of the earth, the ground; — pushti sar, Behind, after (m.c.); — pushti sar uftādan, To run after (m.c.); — pushti sari kase ḥarf zadan, To call after one; — pushti sari kase dīdan, To see one depart (hoping to have seen the last of him); — pushti shīsha, The outside of a bottle; — pusht kardan, To turn the back; — pushti kamān bar kase zadan, To shoot an arrow at one; — pushti kamān ḵẖam kardan, To bend or draw the bow; — pusht garm būdan, To find help and protection; — pusht garm kardan, To ride on horse-back; — pushti lab bar-zadan, To curl the lips disdainfully; — pushti māhī, A fish's back; night; — pushti maḵẖmal, The back of velvet; — pushti mulk, The power of a kingdom; one on whom the stability of the kingdom rests; — pushti nāf, The surface of the navel; — pusht narm kardan, To thrash; to render abject; — pusht namūdan, To flee, to run away; to die; — pusht u panāh, A protector and an asylum; — pusht yāftan, To acquire power; — az pushti siyāh zīn faro kard, Night has come to an end and dawn broken; — az pushti kūh chādiri iḥrām bar kashīd, Snow has fallen and thrown a white mantle over the ground; — ba-pushti kamān giriftan, To shoot at; — ba-pusht ham raftan, To assist one another, to do anything reciprocally.