Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   اميد umed or umīd, ummed or ummīd , Hope, expectation, dependence, trust; desire, greediness; — umed afgandan (bastan, dāshtan) ba-chīze (dar chīze), To hope for a thing; — umed bar āmadan, The hope becomes fulfilled, realised; — umed bar ḵẖāstan, Hope departs, is frustrated; — umed dādan, To make one hopeful; — umed-rā pai burīdan, To deprive one of hope, cause one to despair; to lose hope; — umed kardan, To hope for, expect; — umed gusistan, To render or become hopeless.
   اميد بخش umed-baḵẖsh , Giver of hope; God.
   اميد ﮔاه umed-gāh , A place of hope or refuge.
   اميدوار umedwār , Hopeful, confident, supported by hope; an expectant, dependant, candidate; — umedwāram ki, I hope that.
   اميدوارى umedwārī , Hope, expectancy.
   اميدى ummedī , Hopeful, sanguine; an expectant, etc. (= umed-wār).
   امير āmīr, amīr , A glutton; lazy (a doubtful word).
   A امير amīr (pl. امراء umarāʻ), A commander, governor, emperor, chief, leader, lord, prince; a person of rank or distinction; a gentleman; (amīru ʼl-umarā, Prince of princes, chief of the nobles, a title given by Eastern princes to their prime ministers); — amīri ābi ḥaywān, The prophet Khizr; — amīri āḵẖẉur, Master of the horse; — amīru ʼl-baḥr, Harbour-master; commander of the fleet; great admiral; — amīri top-ḵẖāna, Commander of the artillery; — amīru ʼl-jaish, The general of an army; commander of the land-forces; — amīri ḥaras, Chief of the king's guards; — amīri dād, Chief justice; — amīri ṣāḥib dalq, The Caliph Ali; — amīr kardan, To play the prince, to act the emir; to reign properly; — amīru ʼl-muʼminīn, Commander of the faithful (title of the Caliphs).
   اميرال amīrāl , Admiral (m.c. from Fr.).
   a اميرانه amīrāna , Imperial, princely; imperially.
   a امير زاده amīr-zāda , One of noble birth or family; a king's son, a prince.
   T اميرلو amīrlū , Name of a Tartar tribe (m.c.).
   اميرﮔان amīrgān , Name of a quarter in Constantinople.
   a امير نشان amīr-nishān , A king-maker (lit. who seats an amir on the imperial throne).
   a امير وار amīr-wār , Princely, imperially.
   a اميرى amīrī , Principality; — amīrī kardan, To erect a principality; to become sovereign.
   آميز āmez , Mixture; concubitus, coitus; (in comp.) mixed, mingled, as iʻtibār-āmez, Mingled with respect, &c.
   A اميز amyaz , More or most distinguished.
   آميزانيدن āmezānīdan , To cause to mix.
   آميزش āmezish , Mixture, alloy; temperament, disposition; sociableness; — āmezish dādan (kardan), To mix, mingle; to intermix.
   آميزش كن āmezish-kun , Producing an admixture.
   آميزش كنى āmezish-kunī , Admixing, admixture.
   آميز ﮔار āmēz-gār , Sociable.
   آميزﮔارى āmez-gārī , Mixture; sociableness.
   آميزناك āmeznāk , Blended, mixed.
   آميزنده āmezanda , Sociable.
   آميزه ameza , Mixed; middle-aged, turning gray; nature, temperament, bodily habit; coitus.
   آميزه مو āmeza-mū , One beginning to turn gray.
   آميزيدن āmezīdan , To mix, mingle; to be mixed.
   آمیژ āmezh , Mixing.
   آميژه āmezha , Mixed; gray, grizzled; old; weighed, adjusted; a poet.
   آميغ āmeg̠ẖ , Copulation; truth; mixture.
   آميغه āmeg̠ẖa , Mixed; mixture, union; coitus.
   آميغى āmeg̠ẖī , True, real (opp. to metaphorical), sincere, unfeigned.
   A اميل amyal , More or most inclining, leaning to one side; one who has no sword; sitting badly on a saddle.
   اميله amīla , The myrobalan.
   A اميم imīm (for imām), Leader, &c.
   A آمين āmīn , So let it be! amen! (fuller forms are, āmīn yā muʻīn, So let it be, O helper! — āmīn yā rabba ʼl-ʻālamīn, Amen, O Lord of the worlds! — āmīn bi-ḥurmati saiyidi ʼl-mursalīn, Amen, for the sake of the Prince of Apostles); — āmīn kardan, To say Amen, to conclude prayers.
   A امين amīn , Secure, safe, free; faithful, trusty; a trustee; a commissioner, superintendent; an arbitrator; an officer employed by Government to collect the revenues of a district (in India); — amīni ḥisāb, An auditor of accounts; — amīni ḥuẓūr, Lord Chamberlain, Comptroller of the Presence (m.c.); — amīni ḵẖalwat, The chief groom of the privy chamber (m.c.); — amīn dāshtan (kardan), To trust one, to hold trustworthy; — amīni dīwān, Receiver-general, the superintendent of the Dīwān; — amīni lashkar, Paymaster-general of the Forces (m.c.).
   آمينه āmīna , Wood split and bundled for sale.
   a امينى amīnī , Office of amīn; trust, guardianship, custody; security; commission, deputation; secure, safe.
   P آن ān, ان an , That; (met.) anything that can be felt rather than defined, like the Italian "un certo non sò chè," grace, elegance, "sales et lepores"; understanding, intellect; wine; existence, form of existence, individuality. (As pronoun, ān enters frequently into composition with nouns or other pronouns, which compounds will be found in their alphabetical order.) — an (S. anu), Preposition prefixed to verbs, as in انباشتن aṃbāshtan, &c.
   A آن ān , Time; a short time; an hour; moment, instant, second.
   ان an (in Zand and Pāzand), A mother.
   A اناء anāʼ , An impediment, delay, postponement; seasonable moment; opportunity; — ināʼ, A vessel.