Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   نيکو کار neko-kār , A benefactor; beneficent.
   نيکو کاری neko-kārī , Benevolence.
   نيکو گفت neko-guft , Praise, eulogy; benediction.
   a نيکو معامله neko-muʻāmala , A fair dealer.
   نيکو نام neko-nām, نيکو نامی neko-nāmī , = نيك نامی نيك نام qq.v.
   نيکو نهاد neko-nihād , Of good disposition, good-natured.
   a نيکو نيت neko-nīyat , Well-intentioned.
   a نيکو نيتی neko-nīyatī , Good intention.
   نيکويان nekūyān , The good, the virtuous.
   نيکوئی nekoʼī , Elegance; goodness; a benefit, kindness, favour, gift; — nekūʼī kunanda, Beneficent.
   نيکی nekī , Goodness, piety, virtue, probity; charitableness, beneficence; beauty, elegance; — nekī kardan u dar āb andāḵẖtan, To confer a benefit without expecting a return.
   نيکی پسند nekī-pasand , Who approves of or appreciates goodness.
   نيکی دهش nekī-dihish , A bestowal or bestower of good; a benefactor; bounty, grace, favour.
   نيکی شناس nekī-shinās , Who knows what goodness means.
   نيکی گمان nekī-gumān , Benevolent, friendly.
   نيگوهر ne-gauhar , Accidental (non-essential).
   A نيل nail (v.n.), Obtaining, acquiring, taking, reaching; being munificent, liberal; whatever one acquires; a gift; [nail kardan, To obtain, get at; to give, bestow;] — nīl, The river Nile; — nīli mubārak, The blessed Nile; — daryāʼi nīl, The river Nile.
   نيل nīl (S. nīlī), The indigo-plant; a blue colour, indigo; a fumigation of wild rue; construed with the verbs zadan, kardan, kashīdan, &c.; — nīl bar chihra mālīdan, To rub indigo on the face of a child in order to protect it against the evil eye; — nīl ba-ziyān rawad, The indigo colour fades; — nīli chashm-zaḵẖm (chashmi bad), A line drawn with indigo on the face of a child against the influence of the evil eye; — nīli ḵẖumi āsnān, nīli falak, Blackness of the sky; a bad presage, sinister accident; — angushti nīl kashīdan bar, (met.) To renounce a thing and suppress every desire for it; — dar nīl zadan (kashīdan), To colour blue (garments in sign of mourning).
   نيلاب nīlāb , The river Attock or Indus.
   نيل اندود nīl-andūd , Azure, blue, cerulean; livid, obscure.
   نيلپر nīlupar , The water-lily (see نيلوبرگ, &c. below).
   A نيلة nailat, naila , Whatever anyone obtains.
   a نيلج nīlaj (from P. nīla), The dried juice or sediment of the indigo-plant; indigo.
   نيل داغ nīl-dāg̠ẖ , Blackness of a mark by branding.
   نيلرام nīlrām , Name of the angel in whose charge snow, rain, and hail are given.
   نيل فام nīl-fām , = نيل اندود q.v. above.
   نيلفر nīlufar , The water-lily (see نيلوبرگ, &c. below).
   نيلك nīlak (dim. of nīl), A little blue, bluish; blue, as the fingers with cold; pinching.
   نيل کار nīl-kār , A maker of indigo colour.
   نيلگاو nīl-gāv , The white-footed antelope of Pennant, and antelope picta of Pallas.
   نيل گر nīl-gar , = نيل کار q.v. above.
   نيلگری کردن nīlgarī kardan , To cause grass to grow.
   نيلگون nīl-gūn , A blue colour, cerulean; the face of the heavens; a cloud fraught with rain; — baḥri (qulz̤umi) nīlgūn, The Black or Euxine Sea.
   نيلگون پردها nīlgūn-pardahā, نيلگون خيام nīlgūn-ḵẖayām, نيلگون وطا nīlgūn-wit̤ā , The sky.
   نيلم nīlam , A sapphire.
   نيلوبرگ nīlūbarg, نيلوپر nīlūpar, نيلوپل nīlūpal, نيلوفر nīlūfar, نيلوفل nīlūfal , The water-lily; — nīlūfari mātam, A water-lily worn by the mourners at a funeral; — jashni nīlūfar, A festival held on the seventh day of the month ḵẖurdād.
   نيلوفری nīlūfarī , Cerulean, azure.
   a نيلوفری طاق nīlūfarī-t̤āq , The sky.
   نيله nīla , Dried juice or sediment of the indigo-plant; blue; a colour in horses or mules.
   a نيلی nīlī , Belonging to the Nile; blue, livid, blackish.
   نيلی بحر nīlī-baḥr, نيلی پرده nīlī-parda, نيلی حصار nīlī-ḥis̤ār, نيلی حقه nīlī-ḥuqqa, نيلی دودائر nīlī-dawāʼir , The sky; heaven.
   نيم nayam (for na am), I am not; — nīm (S. nema), A half; the middle; a sort of tree in India whose leaves are good in cases of wounds; — nīmi taslīm, Half a salutation, made by placing the hand on the breast and stooping the head (a complete salutation, tamāmi taslīm, being made by putting the hand to the ground and raising it to the forehead); — nīmi shab, Midnight; — gandumi nīm-birishta, Green wheat half-toasted in the ears.
   A نيم nīm , Anything good, the comforts or conveniences of life; a soft garment; velvet, satin; marks made by the wind on sand; name of a tree of which arrows are made; — nuyyam, nīyam (pl. of nāʼim), Sleepers.
   نيماد nīmād , Judgment, discrimination.
   نيم آستين nīm-āstīn , An upper robe with half-sleeves, often made of gold and silver tissue.
   نيم اشکنی nīm-ishkanī , A kind of sweetmeat.