Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   اخى aḵẖī , A good work; manly, generous.
   A اخى aḵẖī , My brother.
   A اخيار aḵẖyār (pl. of ḵẖaiyir), Good, religious men; — guzīdaʼi aḵẖyār, Chosen from the best; most excellent.
   A اخياف aḵẖyāf , Different kinds of men; brothers by the same mother, but different fathers.
   a اخيافى aḵẖyāfī , By the same mother, but a different father.
   T اخيد aḵẖīd , Royal title, given by Khalifah Muqtadi bi-llah to an Amīr.
   اخيدن āḵẖīdan , To arrive, reach, overtake.
   A اخيذ aḵẖīẕ , Taken; a captive.
   آخير āḵẖīr , for آخيز āḵẖīz, q.v.
   A اخير aḵẖyar , Better, best; — aḵẖīr, Posterior, last; — aḵẖīr zamānah, aḵẖīr waqt, The last time, period, age; the last moment, the moment of death.
   A اخيرا ً aḵẖīran , At length, in fine.
   G اخيروس aḵẖīros, اخيروسه aḵẖīrosah , Wild wheat.
   اخيريدن aḵẖīrīdan , To draw a sword.
   آخيز āḵẖīz , Cement, plaster of a wall.
   آخيزگر āḵẖīzgar , A plasterer.
   اخيسه āḵẖīsa, aḵẖīsa , A ram leading the flock; a march-stone, a landmark; defective, imperfect.
   A اخيف aḵẖyaf , Who has one eye black, the other blue (man or horse).
   A اخيل aḵẖyal , One who has many moles (on the face); a spotted bird.
   اخينوس aḵẖīnos (G. ἔριϝος), Wild wheat.
   اخيون aḵẖyūn (G. ἔχιον), Snake's head (a plant).
   آخيه āḵẖya , A ram, the leader of the flock; praise; spittle; limit, boundary, hedge, inclosure.
   A اد add, idd , Misfortune, sorrow; any great and momentous business; a marvellous thing; a profane or unlawful action; power, strength, vigour, victory.
   ادا adā , Grace, beauty, elegance; blandishment, graceful manner, coquetry; eloquence, voice, pronunciation, expression, song, music, odes; — ḥasan-adā, Just pronunciation or expression; — ḵẖẉush-adā, nāzik-adā, Melodious; — sanjīda-adā, Well-weighed, judicious; — adā kardan, To pronounce, express, sing, warble.
   A اداء adāʼ , Payment, satisfaction, performance, fulfilment, accomplishment; acquittance; adāʼi dain kardan, To make payment of debts; — adāʼi safar kardan, To perform military duty, to make a campaign, to discharge that vassalage which a military tenant owes to his lord; — adāʼi shahādat kardan, To give evidence, to depose; — adā kardan, To pay, discharge, execute; to assist; to prepare for a journey; to lie in wait.
   A اداءة idāʼat (v.n. 4 of دواٴ) , Falling sick; afflicting with sickness; suspecting, doubting.
   A آداب ādāb (pl. of adab), Civilities, good manners, devoirs, ceremonies, politeness; forms of address in writing and speaking, salutations, respects; title of many books; — ādābi fuẓalā fī lug̠ẖāt, Name of a Persian Dictionary, explained in Arabic and Hindī, by Kāzī Mahmūd Dahlawī, a native of Delhi, who died a.d. 1420; — ādābi sunnat, The minor duties of life.
   آدابگاه ādāb-gā , The place of obeisance in the palace of a chief.
   ادابند adā-band , A describer of blandishments.
   ادابندى adā-bandī , Description of blandishments; the fixing a period for the performance of a contract, or payment of instalments.
   a آدابها ādābhā (P. pl. of the Ar. pl. ādāb), Good manners, refinement, &c. (see آداب).
   A اداة adāt , An instrument, tool, utensil, apparatus; whatever is necessary in the forming or completing of anything; (in gram.) a particle, as, adātu ʼt-taʻrīf, The definite article (ال al); — adāti jamʻ, A particle added to form the plural from the singular number; — adāti fāʻil, A particle supplementary to nouns or participles in forming names of agents, similar to -er in English, as kārgar, A labourer, from kār, Labour; — adāti nisbat, A particle of relation or possession, which, when added to a substantive, implies the being endowed with any quality, as ārzūmand, Desirous, from arzū, Desire.
   ادادا adādā , A species of mezereum.
   A ادارات idārāt (pl. of the preceding), Turns, &c.; — idārāti daulatī, Governmental administrations (m.c.).
   G اداراقى adārāqī , A kind of Indian medicine, of an acrid and poisonous quality, dog's-bane.
   A ادارة idārat, idāra (v.n. 4 of دور) , Turning round, going in a circle; causing to revolve; — idāraʼi jāmi ḥimām, A handing round of the deadly cup.
   ادارين adārīn (in Zand and Pāzand), Hideous; wicked, bad.
   T آداش ādāsh , Of the same name as another.
   ادا ف‍ﮩ‍م adā-fahm , Understanding by signs, skilled in the arts of blandishment.
   ادا ف‍ﮩ‍مى adā-fahmī , Skill in the arts of blandishment, understanding of signs and gestures, coquetry.
   A اداقة idāqat (v.n. 4 of دوق) , Surrounding, enclosing.
   اداك ādāk, adāk , An island; a ford.
   ادام adām , The celestial globe.
   A ادام ādām (pl.), idām (sing.), Whatever is eaten with bread.
   A ادام ال‍له adāma ʼllāh , May God prolong (a man's life, etc.).