Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   A ادعية adʻiyat (pl. of duʻʼā), Salutations, congratulations, compliments, wishes, prayers, blessings.
   A ادغام idg̠ẖām (v.n. 4 of دغم) , Inserting one letter into another; doubling it by tashdīd; coalescence.
   ادغر ādg̠ẖar , A summer-house; — adg̠ẖar, A vent-hole.
   A ادغم adg̠ẖam , Black about the face; black-nosed; one who speaks through his nose.
   A ادفاء idfāʼ (v.n. 4 of دفیٴ) , Warming; clothing in warm raiment.
   ادفر adfar , A nephew; an uncle (see افدر).
   A ادق adaqq , More or most subtile, minute, slender, thin; abstruse, recondite, obscure.
   A ادقاق idqāq (v.n. 4 of دقّ) , Pounding, pulverizing; attenuating, making thin, slender and fine; speaking abstrusely.
   ادقچه adaqcha , A cover, wrapper.
   ادك aduk , The female parts (of a woman or animal).
   A ادكار iddikār (v.n. 8 of ذكر) , To recall to mind; to accept advice.
   ادگر adgar , Measure, comparison, conjecture.
   A ادلاء idlāʼ (v.n. 4 of دلو) , Throwing, sending, or letting down, dropping; speaking evil of another.
   A ادلاج idlāj (v.n. 4 of دلج) , A departing at nightfall; iddilāj (v.n. 8 of the same), Travelling during the last watch of the night.
   A ادلال idlāl (v.n. 4 of دلّ) , Being arrogant, provoking, coquettish; coming down (on an enemy), pouncing on his prey (a hawk).
   A ادلة adillat, adilla (pl. of dalīl), Arguments, reasons, proofs, evidences, indications; road-guides.
   A آدم ādam , Brown, dusky, tawny, mulatto; Adam, the father of the human race; — ādami ābi, A fabulous animal, resembling man, that rises from the sea, a merman; — ādam ba-ādam mī-rasad, Adam (man) comes to Adam (man), a phrase addressed by the poor to the rich, reminding the latter that similar distress may befall him.
   A ادم adm , Eating anything with bread; uniting in love and friendship; — adam, A tomb; a kind of date.
   ادم adam , A ruby.
   A ادمال idmāl (v.n. 4 of دمل) , Cicatrizing.
   A ادمان idmān (v.n. 4 of دمن) , Constantly drinking wine.
   a آدم پيرا ādam-perā , Creator of man, i.e. God; a holy man.
   A ادمة adamat , The inner skin; a chief, a general, model, pattern; — udmat (v.n. of ادم), Being of a brown colour, brownness, duskiness; a clear shining white (in camels).
   a آدم چشم ādam-chashm , Having eyes like those of a man.
   a آدم خور ādam-ḵẖẉur , A man-eater, a cannibal.
   a آدم سر ādam-sar , Bald.
   a آدمستان ādamistān , A place abounding in men; the world.
   a آدم شناس ādam-shinās , Knowing mankind.
   a آدم گرى ādamgarī , Humanity, valour.
   ادمن adman , Pure, fragrant (musk).
   a آدمى ādamī , Human, a man, brown.
   a آدميان ādamiyān (pl. of the preceding), Men, mortals.
   a آدميانه ādamiyāna , Humanly, like a man.
   a آدمى بچه ādamī-bacha , An infant.
   A آدمية ādamīyat , Humanity.
   a آدمى خواره ādamī-ḵẖẉāra , A man-eater, cannibal.
   آدمى زاد ādamī-zād, آدمى زاده ādamī-zāda , A son of man, man.
   A ادناء idnāʼ (v.n. 4 of دنو) , Bringing near.
   A ادناف idnāf (v.n. 4 of دنف) , Suffering from severe and continued illness; afflicting sorely for a long time (sickness); going down (as the sun); bringing near.
   ادند adand , How? — idind, An unknown number; half a load (see the following).
   ادنك adank , How? at what rate? an uncertain, unknown number, conjectural computation; one truss, hamper, &c.; one half of a horse's load, as much as a beast carries upon one side; one side of a piece of money.
   ادنى adnī, adne (?), Error, mistake.
   A ادنىٰ adná , Lower, lowest; smaller, smallest; least, most trifling; nearer, nearest.
   A ادوات adawāt (pl. of adāt), Instruments, tools, utensils; particles; — adawāti jang, Arms, war-like apparatus, weapons of war, artillery.
   A ادوار adwār (pl. of dār), Houses, mansions; — (pl. of daur) Orbs, orbits, revolutions, circles; periods, ages; — adwāri malakūt, The harmony of the heavenly bodies, the music of the spheres, the intelligence which moves them.
   ادواى adwāy (in Zand and Pāz.), Voice, echo.
   A ادود adūd , Name of one of Muhammad's ancestors.
   ادوس adūs (corr. from A. ادوش adwash) Dim-sighted, purblind.
   A ادون adwan , More or most mean, or base.
   ادوى adwe , Sweet-scented flag; aloes.
   A ادوية adwiyat, adwiya (pl. of dawā), Medicines; — adwiyaʼi garm, Hot condiments, as pepper, cloves, cinnamon, &c.
   آده āda , A hen-roost, a perch for pigeons.
   A ادهاش idhāsh (v.n. 4 of دهش) , Astounding, striking with amazement, terrifying.