Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   ارجمند arjmand , Rare, excellent, worthy of great price, valuable, exquisite, beloved, dear, brave, generous, noble, distinguished; wise; — arjmand-bānū (noble princess), A proper name.
   ارجمندى arjmandī , Excellence; preciousness; — arjmandī burdan, To acquire, to reap, to gain.
   ارجن arjan , The bitter almond-tree.
   ارجند arjand , Name of a town.
   ارجنگ arjang =ارتنگ artang, q.v.
   ارجنه arjanah , Name of a desert in Persia; name of a note in music.
   ارجوان arjawān, urjuwān , Purple, deep red; a purple dye; a purple robe or carpet; redness; starch.
   ارجوانى arjawānī , Purple, deep red.
   A ارجوحة urjūḥat , A swing, a see-saw.
   ارچه archih, ارچند archand , Although.
   ارچين archīn , A ladder; a staircase.
   ارچينى archīnī , Name of a mountain.
   A ارحام arḥām (pl. of riḥm or raḥim), Wombs, matrices; relations by the mother, uterine kindred.
   A ارحم arḥam , More or most merciful; — arḥamu ʼr-raḥīmīn, The most merciful of the merciful (God).
   ارحيقنه arḥīqina , A herb used for dyeing.
   A ارخاء irḵẖāʼ (v.n. 4 of رخو) , Slackening, loosening, relaxing; — irḵẖāʼi ʻinān, Letting loose the reins, riding at full speed; unruliness.
   A ارخاص irḵẖāṣ (v.n. 4 of رخص) , Finding or purchasing cheap; making cheap.
   ارخنده arḵẖanda , A tincture-powder, with which they tinge the nails and other parts of the body of a beautiful red; some nations, mixing it with vinegar, dye the manes and tails of their horses; a kind of tree from which they make a fine oil.
   ارخنگ araḵẖang , Arracan.
   G ارخون arḵẖūn (ἀρχων), A prince, chief, archon; a high-priest, patriarch (among Eastern Christians).
   A ارخىٰ arḵẖá , Softer, softest; more or most flabby.
   آرد ārad , The twenty-fifth day of every month; name of the angel presiding over that day; — ārd, A defect, blemish, imperfection; flour, meal; — ārd kardan, To grind; — ārdi jaw, Barley-meal; — ārdi gandum, Wheaten flour; — ārdi kunjud, A dish of fresh dates and syrup; — ārd u raug̠ẖan, A kind of sweetmeat.
   ارد ard , Anger; (S. arati) flour-meal; — ird, The twenty-fifth day of every month, and name of the angel presiding over it; — urd, Like, similar; name of a city in Persia.
   اردا ardā , Name of a priest of the Magi.
   A ارداء irdāʼ (v.n. 4 of رداٴ) , Assisting; — (v.n. 4 of ردى) Destroying.
   آردابه ārd-āba , Pottage, porridge.
   ارداد ārdād, ardād , A deceiver; a satyr; — ardād, Name of a priest of the Magi (=اردا ardā).
   ارداله ardāla , Flour-meal.
   A اردان ardān (pl. of rudn), Sleeves; — irdān (v.n. 4 of ردن), Putting sleeves to a garment.
   اردانش ardānish (probably misreading for ارزانش), Good works, alms, charity.
   اردانه ardāna , A species of violet.
   آرداو ārdāw , A demon, evil genius, magician.
   ارداويراف ardāwīrāf , Name of a Persian legislator who flourished about the year 200 of the Christian era.
   اردب ardab , War, quarrel, altercation.
   A اردب irdabb , An Egyptian measure equal to 24 صاع sāʻ.
   آردبا ārd-bā , A kind of pottage or gruel.
   آرد بخرك ārd-buḵẖrak , A confection of mountain almonds.
   اردبور ardabūr , A beautiful green colour.
   اردبيز ārd-bez, ard-bez , A sieve, boulter.
   اردبيل ardabīl , Name of a city in Media.
   آردتوله ārd-tūla , Pottage, stir-about, gruel.
   اردج ardij , Juniper.
   اردج آب ardij-āb , Gin.
   a اردجان ardajān , Certain figures and mysteries in astrology.
   آردحاله ārdaḥāla , A kind of milk-pottage.
   آرددوله ārd-dūla , Gruel; a fine green colour.
   آرد روغن ārd-raug̠ẖan , A kind of sweetmeat (see ārd u raug̠ẖan, under آرد).
   آردزده ārd-zada , A sieve; a fine green colour.
   اردستان ārdistān, ardistān, irdistān (Z. eredhva, high+stāna, place), Name of a district in Persia.
   اردش aradush (Z. aredhus), A certain number of crimes.
   ارد شير ārd-shīr (S. ṛita+kshatra), Milk and flour pottage; — ardsher, Intrepid, courageous; name of Bahman son of Isfandiyār and father of Dārāb; also of Sāsān, and of the son of Sheroyah bin Parwez; — ardsheri dirāz-dast, Artaxerxes Longimanus, name of King Bahmān.
   اردشيران ardshīrān , Name of a bitter plant.
   اردشير خره ardsher-ḵẖurra , Name of a country in Persia.
   اردشيردارو ardsher-dārū , A bitter medicine.
   G اردفنانى aridfanānī , Wild cucumber.
   اردك urdak , An aquatic bird; — urdak az kūn bar-āmad, A practical joke has been played.
   اردكان ardakān , Name of a town in the district of Shirāz; also of a village near Yazd.
   اردگان ardagān , Certain figures in astrology.
   اردم ārdam , The anemone; — ardam, A section of the book of Zardusht; dexterity; skill; the anemone.