Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   راه rāh , Way, road, path, passage; pattern, rule; custom, fashion; intellect, mind; a word; the inward part; a musical tone; a time, turn; an Indian prince; — rāhi āb, An aqueduct, canal, conduit, water-course; — rāh az pīshi pāy bar-dāshtan, To cease inquiring; to take an example; — rāhi āftāb, The sun's path, the ecliptic; — rāh uftādan, To fall in with a gang of thieves; to receive damage; to set out, to start on, or continue, a journey (m.c.); — rāh afgandan dar jāy, To go to a place; — rāh andāḵẖtan, To start one on his way; to give leave; — rāhi āhan, A railway (m.c.); — rāhi āhani asbī, A tramway (m.c.); — rāhi bārīk, A narrow road; — rāhi bāz-gūna-naward, A road difficult to pass; — rāh ba-jāy burdan, To obtain one's wish with little trouble; — rāh ba-jāy (ba-ḥasāb) dāshtan, rāh ba-dih burdan (dāshtan), To be in conformity with reason; — rāh bar-āwardan ba-chīze, To obstruct the way with anything; — rāh burdan, To travel; to find; to separate; to manage; — rāh burīdan, To travel; — rāhi burīda, A road infested with robbers; — rāh bastan, To way-lay, to intercept the road; — rāh ba-sar burdan, To reach the termination of one's journey; to complete; — rāhi baqā, A tone in music; — rāh ba bast āmadan, The road is obstructed; — rāh ba-ham dāshtan, To communicate (as railway-carriages, m.c.); — rāhi bī-rāh, A mountain-pass; — rāh poʼīdan, To travel; — rāhi pahlawī, The road of the pious; — rāhi piyāda-rav (piyādagān), A footpath, pavement (m.c.); — rāh pīsh guẕāshtan, To show the way; — rāh paimūdan, To measure the road, to travel; — rāhi jāma-darān, Name of a note in music (so called because the auditors tore their garments on hearing it); — rāh chap zadan (kardan), To stray from the right road; — rāhi ḥājiyān, The road of the pilgrims; likewise the Milky Way; — rāhi ḵẖār-kash (ḵẖār-kan), Name of a note in music; — rāhi ḵẖusrawānī, Name of a note in music; — rāhi ḵẖufta, A long, level, tedious way; — rāhi ḵẖẉābīda (roshan), An open, main road; — rāh ḵẖẉurdan, To hasten on one's road; — rāh dādan, To give way, to admit; to allow one to pass; to give access to; — rāhi dawīda, Vain labour; — rāh dīdan, To keep aloof, wait the event; — rāh dīwār kardan, To intercept the road; — rāh-rā tag̠ẖaiyur kardan, To return by another road (which is considered lucky); — rāh-rā siyāh kardan bar kase, To make one nameless and traceless, to relegate one to obscurity; — rāh raftan, To go, to walk (m.c.); — rāhi rūḥ, Name of a note in music; — rāh roshan kardan, To show the way; — rāh rahā kardan, To stray from the right road; — rāh sipurdan, To travel; — rāh sar āwardan (kardan), To complete one's journey; — rāh sar shudan, The journey is completed; — rāh sūdan, To travel over a road; — rāhi shāh, The high road; — rāh zadan, To rob on the highway; to sing, to modulate; — rāhi shabdez, Name of a note in music; the thirteenth modulation of Bārbud; — rāh t̤ai kardan, To travel; — rāhi ʻadam, Death; — rāhi ʻarrāda, A road for carriages, a carriage-drive (m.c.); — rāhi g̠ẖūl, The world; — rāhi g̠ẖūl-dār, Time, fortune; — rāh firo bastan bar, To intercept one's road; — rāhi fulān jā bar-dāshtan (giriftan), To make for a place; — rāhi fanā, Sicknesses, calamities; — rāh qat̤ʻ kardan, To proceed, travel; — rāhi qalandar, Abandonment of the world; name of a note in music; — rāhi kāh-kashān, The Milky Way; — rāh kotāh kardan, To travel by the nearest road; — rāhi kūr, An unfrequented road; — rāhi kofta (girifta), A frequented road; — rāh koftan (firo-koftan), To travel; — rāh gardānīdan az ḥudūd, To pass from the boundaries; — rāh giriftan, To stop the way; — rāh gushādan (gushūdan), To open the road; — rāhi gul, Name of a note in music; — rāh namūdan, To show the way; — rāh nawardīdan (nuwishtan), To travel; — rāh wā shudan, The road is being opened; — rāh wā kardan, To open a road; — rāh yāftan, To find a road to, to obtain, to acquire; — az rāh burdan, To lead astray; — az rāhi mail, By way of inclination, for friendship's sake; — ḵẖat̤i rāh, A passport; — dar rāhi kas nihādan, To place in one's way, to give over to, to put at one's disposal.
   راه آموز rāh-āmoz , A guide.
   راه انجام rāh-anjām , Travelling apparatus; a messenger, courier, postman; a horse, mule, &c.
   راه آور rāh-āwar, راه آورد rāh-āward , A present, especially brought by one to another from a distance, or by an ambassador to his sovereign, from the prince to whom he has been sent.
   A راهب rāhib , A Christian monk; a pious person, a devotee, a hermit.
   راهبان rāhbān , A road-guard; a traveller; a robber; — rāhibān (P. pl. of A. rāhib), Monks.
   A راهبة rāhibat , A nun.
   راهبر rāh-bar , A road-guide.
   راهبری rāhbarī , The trade of a road-guide; guidance; — rāh-barī namūdan, To guide, show the way; to persuade, convert.
   راهبند rāh-band , A highway-robber; a road-patrol; a toll-gatherer.
   راه پریان rāh-poyān , Swift, fleet (sing. and pl.).
   راه پیما rāh-paimā , A traveller.
   راه جوی rāh-joy , Eager to run.
   راه خرچ rāh-ḵẖarch , Road-charges.
   راهدار rāh-dār (occupying the road), One who suddenly attacks, binds, or murders travellers, a robber, bandit; a road-patrol; one who has charge of the public roads; a road-toll gatherer.
   راهداری rāh-dārī , A branch of revenue collected from travellers for protection afforded; a passport to be excused tolls.
   راهدان rāh-dān , A road-guide.
   راه دراز rāh-darāz , Great distance.
   راه دست rāh-rāst , A great distance.
   راه راه rāh-rāh , Striped, variegated; — jāmaʼi (qabāʼi) rāh-rāh, A striped garment.
   راهرو rāh-rav , A traveller; a corridor, a passage (m.c.); — rāh-rawān, rāh-rawāni azal (saḥar), Holy men, devotees, keeping watch by night; — rāh-rawāni t̤arīqat, Devotees; the four elements; — rāh-rawāni gardūn, The seven planets.
   راه روش rāh-rawish , Manners, ways, customs.
   راه روی rāh-rawī , Travel, journey.
   راهزن rāh-zan , A highway robber; a musician; a singer.
   راهزنی rāh-zanī , Highway-robbery.
   راه سنج rāh-sanj (way-experienced), A traveller.
   A راهشان rāhishāni , Two veins in the fore-legs of a horse.
   راهشاه rāh-shāh , Main road; great traveller.
   راهگان rāhgān , Anything picked up upon the road; gratis, without labour or purchase; in vain.
   راهگذار rāh-guẕār, راهگذر rāh-guẕar , A passage, channel, ferry, or pass through mountains; the gullet; an event; a traveller; a road-guide; a present brought from a journey.
   راه گرای rāh-girāy , A traveller.
   راه گستر rāh-gustar , A beast whereon one may ride; pleasant-paced (horses, mules, or camels).
   راه گیر rāh-gīr , A traveller, way farer.
   راهن rāhan , The cornel-tree; — rāhin, Name of a herb or root given to horses in medicine.
   A راهن rāhin , Firm, stable; perennial; a mortgager, one who pledges or pawns; thin.
   a راهنامج rāh-nāmaj , for P. —
   راه نامه rāh-nāma , A road-book, map, chart.
   راه نشین rāh-nishīn , A way-side beggar; a stranger; messenger; a post, express.
   راهنما rāh-namā, راهنمای rāh-namāy, راهنمون rāh-namūn , Showing the way; a guide; a chamberlain; a lord, prince.
   راه نمائی rāh-namāʼī , A showing of the way.
   راه نمونی rāh-namūnī , Guidance, direction; rāh-namūnī kardan, To guide, to lead the way.
   راه نورد rāh-naward , A riding-horse; a postman; a messenger; a foot-traveller; a beggar; houseless.
   راهوار rāhwār , A quick, easy, ambling-paced horse, a good roadster.
   راهواره rāhwāra , A present from a distance.