Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   رباه rubāh , A fox.
   A ربائب rabāʼib (pl. of rabībat), Step-daughters; goats kept at home for milking.
   A ربائث rabāʼis̤ (pl. of rabīs̤at and of ribbīs̤a), Obstacles placed in the way of doing good.
   ربایندگی rubāyandagī , Robbery, seizure.
   رباینده rubāyanda , A robber, plunderer; (met.) charming, bewitching, captivating.
   ربائی rubāʼī , (in comp.) A plundering.
   ربابیدن rubāyīdan , To cause to seize or steal; to seize, rob.
   A ربب rabab , Plenty of good water.
   A ربث rabs̤ , A hindering, a letting.
   A ربح ribḥ, rabaḥ (v.n.), Gaining; profit in trade; usury; — rubaḥ, A kid; a camel's colt; a bird resembling a crow.
   a ربحی ribḥī , Whatever is gained by usury.
   A ربذة rabaẕat , A string or thong at the handle of a whip or scourge; vehemence, severity; — ribẕat, rabaẕat, A handful of wool or tow dipped in pitch, with which they besmear camels for the scab; any cloth employed in cleansing jewels, plate, or dishes; — ribẕat, A worthless man; the stopper of a bottle; a woollen tuft hung to the ear of a camel; a menstruous cloth.
   A ربرب rabrab , A herd of wild oxen.
   SY ربرق ribriq (in A. rabraq), Nightshade.
   ربرونثن rabrūnitan (in Zand and Pāzand), To die.
   ربزبا rabzabā (in Zand and Pāzand), The sun.
   A ربس rabs (v.n.), Striking with the hand; filling (a leathern bottle).
   A ربش rabash , White on the nails of youths.
   A ربص rabṣ, ربصة rubṣat , Expectation, waiting.
   A ربض rabaẓ , The ropes which fasten the saddle of a camel; the intestines (the heart excluded); the walls of a town; the sides of anything; a sheepcote; food sufficient for a meal; family, kindred, wealth, domestics, house and home; — rubẓ, The centre of anything; the foundations of a building; — rubuẓ, An indolent man who neglects necessary business.
   A ربط rabt̤ (v.n.), Binding, tying; connection, friendship; a tie; practice, habit, use; construction (in Grammar); — [rabt̤ kardan, To bind, strengthen, fasten; to discipline, govern, hold in subjection (also construed with the verbs uftādan, burdan, barham zadan and dāshtan;] — rubut̤ (pl. of ribāt̤), Ropes, cords, thongs.
   a ربطی rabt̤ī , Connectedness; — bī-rabt̤ī, Unconnectedness; indiscipline.
   A ربع rabʻ (v.n.), Plaiting a fourfold cord; drinking every fourth day (a camel); loading a camel by means of a pole; refraining, abstaining from; completing with oneself the number four, forty, or forty-four; receiving a fourth part of the booty; lifting up a stone as a trial of strength (see ربیعت); a spring mansion; a house, mansion, abode; [rabʻ-rā bar-ham zadan, To demolish the house;] — rubʻ, rubuʻ, A fourth; an astronomical quadrant (more fully called rubʻi dāʼira and rubʻi mujaiyib); [rubʻi zamīn, rubʻi maskūn, An inhabited quarter of the world; the world;] — ribʻ, A quartan ague; the watering of camels on the fourth day.
   A ربعة rabʻat , A man or woman of middle stature and square-bodied; a casket for spiceries.
   a ربعی ribʻī , Vernal, born in the spring; born in his father's old age (a son); — rabaʻī, Related to the tribe of rabīʻat.
   A ربغ rabag̠ẖ , The enjoyment and conveniences of life; — rabig̠ẖ, A lewd, impudent fellow.
   A ربق rabq (v.n.), Haltering a camel; — ribq, A rope with many loops for tying cattle.
   A ربقة ribqat, rabqat , A halter, a rope with a loop or noose; a collar; a yoke.
   A ربك rabk (v.n.), Throwing into the mire; mixing up crumbled bread with broth, &c.; to prepare the dish ishkina (see اشکنه).
   A ربل rabl , A kind of tree producing leaves and fruit after the usual season; — rabal, A very green herb, an antidote to a viper's bite.
   ربل ribl , Southernwood.
   A ربنا rabbanā , O our Lord!
   A ربو rabw (v.n.), Being increased, multiplied; climbing (a hill), being on the top of; breathing heavily, suffering from asthma; asthma.
   A ربوب rubūb (pl. of rubb), Extracts, syrups.
   a ربوبی rabūbī , Divine, theological (learning).
   A ربوبیة rubūbīyat , Dominion, supreme power; deity, divinity.
   A ربوة ribwat, rabwat, rubwat , A hill, rising ground, heap.
   ربوت rabūt , A hoopoo, a puet.
   ربوخه rabūḵẖa , Sensual delights.
   ربودگی rubūdagī , Spoliation, plunder, robbery.
   ربودن rubūdan , To rob, seize, carry off; to withdraw from sight; — zi zīn rubūdan, To throw out of the saddle, to unhorse.
   ربوده rubūda , Seized, plundered, robbed.
   a ربوده عقل rubūda-ʻaql , Robbed of one's senses.
   ربوس rubūs , Voracious, a glutton.
   ربوسه rubūsa, ربوشه rubūsha, rabūsha (originally rū-posha) , A veil for the head.