Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   A سیرة sairat , A mode of walking; — sīrat, sīra, Disposition, temperament, nature; morals; qualities; mode, manner, way of living; conduct; custom; provisions, victuals; — sīrat amoḵẖtan, To learn or teach manners.
   سیر چشم ser-chashm , Satisfied, contented; generous, liberal; greedy.
   سیر چشمی ser-chashmī , Satiety, contentment; generosity, liberality; greediness.
   a سیر حاصل ser-ḥāṣil , Very fertile; very rich, wealthy.
   سیر سور sīr-sūr , (feast of garlic) Name of the 14th day of the month, on which they eat garlic, send their lads to school, or bind them to some trade.
   سیرش sīrash , A veil; a puckered female head-dress or veil of the finest cloth, particularly such as are worn by brides, of a crimson colour.
   سیرغ serig̠ẖ , A cluster of grapes.
   سیرف sairaf , Cough (unsupported by examples).
   سیرفروش sīr-farosh , A seller of garlic.
   سیرك sīrk , Circus (m.c. from Fr. cirque).
   سیر کوب sīr-kob , A mortar wherein garlic is pounded.
   a سیر گاه sair-gāh , A passage, pass, thoroughfare; a place of recreation; a theatre.
   سیرم sīram , Raw deer-skins cut into thongs, used in sewing saddles; a hawk's leash; the shoemaker's strap which binds the last to his knee.
   سیرمان sīrmān , A ruby; embroidered silk.
   سیرمو sīrmū , Mountain-garlic.
   سیرناس sīrnās , Name of an African sea-bird.
   سیر نگ sīrang , Thirty colours; the sīmurgh or ʻanqā; anything impossible, or which the mind cannot grasp; the unsearchable God.
   سیرو sīro , A porcupine; a hedgehog.
   A سیروان sīrwān , Name of several places in Egypt and Persia.
   سیر و پنیر sīr-u-panīr , = سیر پنیر q.v.
   سیرون serūn , Cold of a moderate degree.
   سیره saira , A certain melodious little bird.
   سیری sairī , Who walks about; sight-seeing; — serī, Fulness, repletion, satiety.
   سیریصاف sīrīṣāf , A kind of cloth produced in India.
   سیرین sīrīn , Dressed with garlic (sīr).
   سیرینگاه sīrīn-gāh , A royal throne.
   سیز sez , Sharp, strong, vehement.
   سیزده sezdah , Thirteen.
   سیزدهم sezdahum , The thirteenth.
   سیزگی sezagī , Hardness, violence, suffering.
   سیس sīs , Freckles upon the face or other parts of the body; leaping and jumping; a swift horse; a wine-vessel.
   H سیس sīs , The head.
   سیسارون sīsārūn , The stem of the coriander; a certain water-plant with leaves so large that cups are made of them.
   سیسالك sīsālak, سیسالنگ sīsālang , The wagtail.
   G سیسالیوس sīsāliyūs , Assafœtida.
   سیسبان sīsabān , Seed of cinquefoil.
   سی ستارۀ پاك sī sitāraʼi pāk , The thirty teeth.
   سیستان sīstān , Sijistān (the ancient Drangiana), a country lying to the eastward of Fārsistān, or Persia Proper. The famous Rustam held this country as a fief under the kings of Persia.
   سیستن sīstan , To leap, bound; to flee away.
   a سیسخانه sais-ḵẖāna , Baggage-horses employed in war.
   سیسدی saisadī , A cricket (see سیدی).
   سییرك sīsirk , A weevil.
   سیسرو sīsarū , A weevil; wall-lice.
   سیسك sīsak , A weevil; a sort of pulse.
   G سیسنبر sīsaṃbar, سیسنبرون sīsaṃbarūn , Water-mint; mother of thyme.
   سیصد sī-ṣad , Thirty hundred, three thousand; (met.) many.
   A سیع saiʻ (v.n.), Flowing (water or wine); water flowing on the ground.
   سیغ sīg̠ẖ , Beautiful, excellent; body of men, band of soldiers, crowd; a house with many windows.
   سیغر sīg̠ẖur , A porcupine.
   سیغود saig̠ẖūd , Humility, submission.
   سیغور saig̠ẖūr , Nobleness of mind, mental energy, ambition.
   A سیف saif (v.n.), Striking with a sword; a sword, scimeter, sabre, &c.; the hair of a horse's tail; the sword-fish; — sīf, A bank, margin, coast; a fibrous excrescence at the roots of palm-branches; the sword-fish.
   A سیفان sifān , Name of a country (unsupported by examples).
   a h سیف بان saif-bān , A rocket with a sword attached to it.
   a سیف زبان saif-zabān , (sword-tongued) One whose curses prevail.
   a سیفه saifa , An instrument of bookbinders for equalizing the edges of a book.
   سیفور saifūr , Silken stuff of great value.
   a سیفی saifī , Cursing; surname of several poets.
   A سیك saik (v.n.), Pacing (of camels, &c.).
   T سیك sīk , Penis.
   سیك sīk, suyak , A blight upon corn, mildew, rust, smut; — si-yak, A third.
   سیکا sīka (in the dialect of Gīlān), A duck.
   سیکبا sīk-bā , A sort of acid broth.
   سیکران sīkrān , Black henbane-seed.
   سیك زده sīk-zada , Blighted, smutty (corn).
   سیکك sīkak , A weevil; mildew.
   سیکل sīkal , A blight upon corn.