Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   A صالحية ṣāliḥīyat , Name of a sect; also of a quarter in Baghdād, and of several villages.
   A صاٴم ṣaʼm (v.n.), Leading an army against; — ṣaʼam, Drinking much water.
   A صامت ṣāmit , Silent, taciturn; mute, dumb, inanimate; property in gold and silver as opposed to an estate in slaves and cattle (see ناطق); — jamʻi ṣāmit u nāt̤iq, A collection of immoveable and moveable goods.
   SY صامر بوما ṣāmir būma , Name of a plant called ḥashīshatu ʼl-ʻaqrab (scorpion-herb).
   A صامل ṣāmil , Dry, withered.
   A صانع ṣāniʻ , A maker, manufacturer, artificer, artisan; — ṣāniʻi ʻālam, The creator of the world; — ṣāniʻi qudrat, The fashioner of nature.
   A صاوی ṣāwī , Dry.
   A صاهل ṣāhil , (A camel) that paws the ground with his feet, and refrains from braying aloud through pride; a she-camel, mother of such a camel; neighing (a horse).
   A صائب ṣāʼib , Right, straight; well-directed, well-aimed, hitting the mark right in the middle.
   صايبان ṣāybān (for صايه بان), A cloud.
   A صائف ṣāʼif , Hot; — ṣaifi ṣāʼif, An exceedingly hot summer.
   A صائل ṣāʼil , Presumptuous, arrogant; furious.
   A صائم ṣāʼim , Thirsty; one who fasts; a faster; one who abstains from food, talk, travelling, or venery; — ṣāʼimu ʼd-dahr, Continually fasting; — ṣāʼim shudan, To fast.
   A صب ṣabb (v.n.), Pouring out; effusion; being smitten with love; a lover; flowing (water); victuals poured out.
   A صبا ṣabā (v.n. of صبو) , Blowing from the east (wind); east wind; a gentle breeze, zephyr; a horse with a gentle pace; [bādi ṣabā, The zephyr;] — ṣibā, Boyishness, childishness, extreme youthfulness.
   A صبانة ṣabābat , Love, desire (especially tender or vehement); a fog; [lahībi ṣabāba, Ardour of love;] — ṣubābat, Remainder of milk or water in a vessel.
   A صباة ṣubāt (pl. of ṣābiʼ), Sabeans.
   A صباح ṣabāḥ , Morning, dawn; construed with the verbs az ufq bar-kashīdan, damīdan, ʻuryān shudan, fashurdan, &c.; [ṣabāḥu ʼl-ḵẖair, Good morning; — ṣabāḥu ʼl-ḵẖair zadan, To wish good morning;] — ṣabāḥ, ṣubāḥ, The light or flame of a candle; — ṣubāḥ, ṣubbāḥ, Comely, handsome.
   A صباحة ṣabāḥat (v.n. of صبح) , Being handsome, beautiful, comely; beauty, comeliness, grace; fairness of complexion.
   a صباحت نشان ṣabāḥat-nishān , Distinguished by beauty, remarkably beautiful, or handsome.
   a صباح کنان ṣabāḥ-kunān , Those who wish good morning.
   a صباح نمازی ṣabāḥ-namāzī , Morning prayer.
   A صباخ ṣabbāḵẖ , Name of a king of Yaman in the army of Kaiḵẖusrau.
   A صبار ṣibār (v.n. 3 of صبر) , Being patient, exercising patience towards one another; rectitude; — ṣubār, Tamarinds.
   A صبارة ṣabārat , Standing security.
   A صباغ ṣibāg̠ẖ , Colour, tincture, dye; seasonings, sauces; — ṣabbāg̠ẖ, A dyer, tinger, painter; a liar; one who gives a false colouring to a statement.
   A صباوة ṣabāwat , Childhood, early youth.
   A صبايا ṣabāyā (pl. of ṣabīyat), Young girls.
   A صب ṣabab (v.n. of صبّ) , Being violently in love, and frantic; a declivity; sliding sand; a waterfall.
   A صبة ṣabbat (fem.), Inflamed with love; — ṣubbat, A herd of cattle, camels, or horses; remains of water or milk in a vessel.
   A صبح ṣabḥ (v.n.), Coming in the morning; — ṣubḥ, Morning, dawn; [ṣubḥ ba-ḵẖair guftan, To bid good morning; — ṣubḥi pasīn (rāst, ṣādiq), The last or true dawn, break of day; — ṣubḥi durog̠ẖ (kāẕib, mulammaʻ-niqāb, nuḵẖust, The first or false dawn, twilight;] — ṣabaḥ (v.n.), Being of a white colour inclining to red; the flash or gleam of steel.
   a صبح آرای ṣubḥ-ārāy , What adorns the morning (applied to the sun).
   a صبح بام ṣubḥ-bām , Dawn of morning.
   a صبح پيشانی ṣubḥ-peshānī , With shining forelocks (a horse).
   A صبحة ṣabḥat, ṣubḥat , Morning; a morning draught; a morning nap; any amusement by which one whiles away the morning.
   a صبح جبين ṣubḥ-jabīn , With resplendent brow.
   a صبح چ‍ﮩ‍ر ṣubḥ-chihr , Bright-faced.
   a صبح خند ṣubḥ-ḵẖand , Smiling like morning.
   a صبح خوان ṣubḥ-ḵẖẉān , Singing in the morning.
   a صبح خيز ṣubḥ-ḵẖez , An early riser; a devotee.
   a صبح خيزا ṣubḥ-ḵẖezā, صبح خيزيا ṣubḥ-ḵẖeziyā , A set of thieves who arise betimes and steal before people are awake.
   a صبح دل ṣubḥ-dil , Of an enlightened understanding; honest, pious, pure.
   a صبحدم ṣubḥ-dam, صبحدمان ṣubḥ-damān , Early in the morning.
   a صبح روان ṣubḥ-rawān , Youths.
   a صبح روی ṣubḥ-rūy , = صبح چ‍ﮩ‍ر q.v.
   a صبح صبح ṣubḥ-ṣubḥ , At early dawn.
   a صبح ضمير ṣubḥ-ẓamīr , = صبح دل q.v.
   a صبح عارض ṣubḥ-ʻāriẓ , With cheeks bright as the morning.
   a صبحگاه ṣubḥ-gāh , The morning; — mihri ṣubḥgāh-ṣifat, Like the morning sun.
   a صبحگاهی ṣubhgāhī , Of or relating to the dawn or early morning.