Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   صفا ṣafā , Purity, clearness, polish, brightness; pleasure, recreation; name of a sacred mountain at Mecca; — ṣafāʼ, in P. ṣafā (v.n. of صفو), Being serene (the sky); purity, clearness, transparency; polish; pleasure, joy, delight; recreation, diversion, pastime; content, satisfaction; (pl. of ṣafāt) large smooth stones; — ṣafā duzdīdan, To rob of purity; — ṣafāʻ zadan, To invite; to congratulate; — ṣafāʼi ʻaqīdat, Purity of faith; — ṣafāʼi ʻuyūn u anhār, Limpidity of fountains and rivers; — ṣafā kardan, To rejoice, to enjoy; — ṣafā kardīd, You have given pleasure (m.c. in receiving a visitor); — ahli ṣafā, Voluptuous; — bā ṣafāʼi ḵẖāt̤ir, With cheerfulness of mind, willingly.
   a صفا بخش ṣafā-baḵẖsh , Delicious; purifying.
   a صفا پذير ṣafā paẕīr , Purified, purged, racked.
   A صفاة ṣafāt , A large, smooth stone or rock on which nothing grows.
   A صفات ṣifāt (pl. of ṣifat), Qualities.
   a صفاتی ṣifātī , Accidental; artificial; extrinsic, acquired.
   A صفاتية ṣifātīyat , Name of a sect.
   A صفاح ṣifāḥ , A broad and ugly appearance of a horse's cheek; (pl. of ṣafḥ) tracts, parts; sides; the broad sides of swords or faces; — ṣuffāḥ, A broad stone, a flag-stone; a broad-sword.
   a صفا خيزی ṣafā-ḵẖezī , Purification.
   A صفاد ṣifād , A chain, fetter.
   A صفار ṣafār , Dry herbage; — ṣufār, A hissing, whistling, chirping of a bird; a worm which gnaws the bowels of a starving man; a collection of yellowish water in the belly; — ṣaffār, A coppersmith; — ṣaffār yaʻqūb bin lais̤, Name of a king who originally was a coppersmith (see صفاريان).
   صف أرا ṣaf-ārā , One who draws up in array.
   a صف آرائی ṣaf-ārāʼī , The marshalling of troops; array; battle array; parade; tactics.
   a صفاری ṣaffārī, ṣuffārī , A coppersmith (see the following).
   a صفاريان ṣaffāriyān, صفاريه ṣaffāriya , Name of a dynasty which reigned in Persia for about half a century (thus called after its founder, the coppersmith Yaʻqūb bin Lais); also name of a sect founded by Abdu ʼllah bin Saffār.
   A صفاف ṣifāf (v.n. 3 of صفّ) , Drawing up in lines or files.
   A صفاق ṣifāq , A thin membrane beneath the skin that produces the hair; the peritoneum; (pl. of ṣafīq) thick, stout (stuffs or silks); — ṣaffāq, A great travelling merchant.
   A صفاقة ṣafāqat (v.n. of صفق) , Being stout, coarse (cloth).
   a صفا مقرون ṣafā-maqrūn , Sincere; cheerful.
   a صفاوت ṣafāwat , = صفا q.v.
   صفاهان ṣifāhān , Isfāhān, the metropolis of Persian Irāk.
   صفاهانی ṣifāhānī , A native of Isfāhān; — pardaʼi ṣifāhānī, A species of melody peculiar to Isfāhān.
   A صفايا ṣafāyā (pl. of ṣafī), (Camels) abounding in milk; the best parts (of anything, especially of booty chosen by the leader for himself before distribution).
   A صفائح ṣafāʼiḥ , Broad swords; flag-stones; camels with large bunches.
   a صفائی ṣafāʼī , Purity, clearness.
   صفاييان ṣafāyiyān , Name of a city in Transoxania.
   a صفئی نامد ṣafāʼī-nāma , A deed of release; a settlement, acquittance, discharge.
   a صف بسته ṣaf-basta , Ranged in rank or file.
   a صف بندی ṣaf-bandī , Array; battle-array; a line of hunters or beaters.
   A صفة ṣifat (v.n. of وصف) , Describing; description; quality, attribute, epithet; form, mode, manner; an adjective or whatever qualifies a noun; like, resembling; [ṣifati bahīmat (basharīyat, malakīyat), Properties of beast (man, angel); — ṣifati s̤abūtīya (ẕātīya), A substantial form, essential or fixed quality; — ṣifati ʻariẓīya, An accidental or movable quality;] — ṣuffat, ṣuffa, A sofa, bench; a dais, estrade or raised floor; a covered place for reclining on before the doors of Eastern houses or mosques; — ahli ṣuffa (benchers), A number of companions of Muhammad's flight, who, having neither friends nor calling at Madīnah, lived on the donations of the faithful, and lodged in the ṣuffa of Muhammad's mosque.
   صفت ṣafat , Name of a city in Syria (see صفد ṣafad).
   a صفت موصوف ṣifat-mauṣūf , An adjective with its substantive, the qualificative and the qualified.
   a صفتيه ṣifatīya , Descriptive; qualificative, adjectival; — jumlaʼi ṣifatīya, A descriptive or qualificative sentence.
   A صفح ṣafḥ (v.n.), Turning away (the face); pardoning, forgiving; leaving, quitting; refusing a beggar; driving (camels) past the well; giving to drink; revising or perusing sheet by sheet; a tract, side, quarter, border; — ṣafḥ, ṣufḥ, The broadest side of a sword, or the face; side (of a man); edge or border (of a mountain), a smooth, level part on its side; — ṣafaḥ, A disproportionate breadth.
   صفحات ṣafaḥāt (pl. of ṣafḥat), Pages.
   A صفحة ṣafḥat, ṣafḥa , A face, side, page; expanse, surface, breadth; a tract, border, quarter; broad side of a sword; — ṣafḥatu ʼl-wajh, The cheek; — ṣafḥaʼi teg̠ẖi saḥar, First streaks of light in the morning; the sky; — ṣafḥaʼi ḥāl, State of the case, face of the matter; — ṣafḥaʼi hastī, The page of existence, the face of the world or earth; — dar ṣafḥa guftan, To tell by letter, to write to; — man jastam az rūʼi dū ṣafḥa, I skipped two pages.