Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.

   فرمان farmān (S. pramāṇa), A mandate, command, order, or royal patent; — farmāni jalīluʼl-qadar, Precept of high authority; — farmāni jalīl-ʻanwān, Diploma with the illustrious imperial signature; — farmān i jahān-mut̤āʻ, Injunction obeyed by all the world; — farmāni ʻālī-shān, The exalted or the imperial mandate; — farmāni qadar-tuwān, Decree of powerful efficacy; — farmāni qaẓā-jarayān, Command flowing like, or irresistible as, destiny; — farmāni wājibu ʼl-iẕʻān, Order proper to be submitted to; — farmāni wājibu ʼl-imtis̤āl, Ordinance necessary to be obeyed. Construed with the verbs dādan, rāndan and kardan in the sense of "commanding," and with rasīdan, yāftan, in the sense of "dying" (death being viewed as a divine decree).
   فرمان بر farmān-bar, فرمان بردار farmān-bardār , Order-bearing; a servant; a subject.
   فرمانبرداری farmān-bardārī, فرمانبری farmān-barī , Obedience, subjection; — farmān-bardārī kardan, To obey, to yield obedience to commands.
   فرمان پذير farmān-paẕīr , Submissive.
   فرمانج farmānaj , A leaf of a tree (probably misreading for فرهانج q.v.).
   فرمان ده farmān-dih , Issuing mandates, i.e. A monarch, emperor, king, reigning prince.
   فرماندهی farmān-dihī , Empire, sovereignty; — farmān-dihīʼi qāẓī, A written order or sentence of a judge.
   فرمان روا farmān-rawā , A monarch, sovereign, ruler.
   فرمان روايان farmān-rawāyān (pl. of the preceding), Monarchs.
   فرمان شنو farmān-shinō , Who listens to a command; obedient.
   فرمان فرما farmān-farmā (فرمای farmāy) , An issuer of orders.
   فرمان فرمائی farmān-farmāʼī , Empire, sovereignty.
   فرمان گذار farmān-guẕār , Issuing commands, a monarch, ruler.
   فرمان گذاری farmān-guẕārī , Empire, sovereignty.
   فرمان نيوش farmān-niyosh , Who listens to a command; obedient.
   فرمای farmāy , = فرما q.v.
   فرمايش farmāyish , Order, will, commands; — farmāyish mī-farmāʼīd, Will you allow? kindly permit (m.c.).
   فرمايشی farmāyishī , Ordered; excellent.
   فرماينده farmāyinda , Ordering; a commander.
   فرمايون farmāyūn , The cow of Farīdūn; a kind of silk. (See برمايون p. 178.)
   فرمد farmad , Name of a village near Tūs.
   فرمرست farmarust , Weak from want of food.
   فرمس farmus , The old name of Dāmaghān (probably misreading for قومس q.v.).
   فرمش faramush, فرمشی faramushī, farmushī , Forgetfulness.
   فرمگن faram-gin, فرمگين faram-gīn , Afflicted, melancholy, grieved, full of anguish.
   فرمگينی faramgīnī , Sadness, grief, anguish.
   فرمناك faramnāk , Sad, grieved, full of anguish.
   فرمند farmand , Wise, enlightened; pure.
   فرمودن farmūdan , To command, order; to deign, to favour; to be pleased to say or speak; (in verbal combinations = kardan or sāḵẖtan) to make, to do, &c.; to come; to sit down; — bi-farmāʼīd, Please take a seat (m.c.).
   فرمودگی farmūdagī , The being subject to command, dependence.
   فرموده farmūda , Ordered, commanded; a mandate, order, command, injunction, prescription, fiat; — farmūdaʼi ḵẖudā, The commandments of God.
   فرموش farmosh , Forgetfulness.
   فرموك farmūk, فرموگ farmūg , A ball of thread upon its spindle; a boy's top set in motion by a string.
   فرموهد farmūhad , A village near Tūs (= فرمد q.v.).
   فرمه farma , A violet.
   A فرن furn , An oven.
   A فرناج firnāj, furnāj , A particular mark of a camel; name of a village in the country of the tribe Taiy.
   فرناخيدن farnāḵẖīdan , To blush; to become gentle, well-mannered; to hang the ears; to become sly; to card cotton.
   فرناد farnād , Power, strength; bottom of water; a fish-pond; end, extremity.
   فرناس farnās , Careless; indolent, yawning, slumbering, drowsy, oppressed with sleep; ignorant, untaught; ignorance, carelessness; according to others a decrepit old man.
   A فرناس firnās , A thick-necked lion; strong and courageous (man); the head man of a Persian village; name of a man.
   فرناك farnāk , A privy.
   فرنان farnān , Of obscure birth, ignoble, vile.
   A فرنب firnib , A mouse; the young of a jerboa.
   فرنج faranj , = فرنگ q.v.; — furunj, faranj, firunj, The environs of the mouth; a large branch lopped off, in order that smaller ones may shoot forth.
   فرنجك faranjak, firinjak , Nightmare.
   فرنجمشك faranjmushk , A sweet basil.
   فرنجه faranja, firanja , France; Europe with exception of Greece; a sea-port of the Franks.
   فرنجيه faranjīya , Name of war-engine introduced by the Franks into the East.
   فرند farand, firand (for parand), A swordʼs glittering surface (see the following).
   A فرند firind (for P. پرند q.v., p. 244), A sword, or its glittering surface; the ornamentation of a sword; a kind of figured cloth or a garment made of it; the seed of the pomegranate; name of a plant; — firnid, Pot-herbs, seasoning for meat.
   فرنگ farang, firing , A Frank, an Italian, European; a Christian; all nations which wear short garments; ruddy, of pleasing aspect; a galley; — firnag, A boy's plaything.