Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
Revised and Enlarged Edition of Prin. V. S. Apte's  The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary.
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   1) आशंस् āśaṃs (p. 365)

आशंस् āśaṃs 1 Ā. (rarely P.) 1 To hope for, expect, desire, wish or long for; स्वकार्यसिद्धिं पुनराशशंसे Ku.3.57; Bk.14.70,90; आशंसन्ते सुरसमितयः Ś.2.16; M.1; मनोरथाय नाशंसे Ś.7.13. -2 To bless, wish well to; एवं ते देवा आशंसन्तु Mk.1; इत्याशशंसे करणैरबाह्यैः R.14.50. -3 To speak, say. -4 To tell; आशंसता बाणगतिं वृषाङ्के Ku.3.14. -5 To ask for, beg. -6 To praise. -7 To repeat, recite. -8 To fear, be afraid of. -Caus. To render famous or celebrated.