Digital Dictionaries of South Asia
A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.
Search for headword: امير
2 results

   1) امير āmīr, amīr (p. 102)
امير āmīr, amīr , A glutton; lazy (a doubtful word).
   2) امير amīr (p. 102)
A امير amīr (pl. امراء umarāʻ), A commander, governor, emperor, chief, leader, lord, prince; a person of rank or distinction; a gentleman; (amīru ʼl-umarā, Prince of princes, chief of the nobles, a title given by Eastern princes to their prime ministers); — amīri ābi ḥaywān, The prophet Khizr; — amīri āḵẖẉur, Master of the horse; — amīru ʼl-baḥr, Harbour-master; commander of the fleet; great admiral; — amīri top-ḵẖāna, Commander of the artillery; — amīru ʼl-jaish, The general of an army; commander of the land-forces; — amīri ḥaras, Chief of the king's guards; — amīri dād, Chief justice; — amīri ṣāḥib dalq, The Caliph Ali; — amīr kardan, To play the prince, to act the emir; to reign properly; — amīru ʼl-muʼminīn, Commander of the faithful (title of the Caliphs).