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   1) अकाल akāla from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 5)
...प्राप्तस्त्वकाले वा नास्यानश्नन् गृहे वसेत् Ms.3.105 in time or late. -Comp. -कुसुमम्, -पुष्पम् a flower blossoming out of season; ˚कुसुमानीव भयं संजनयन्ति हि H.3.23, (a bad omen boding some evil.) -कूष्माण्डः a pumpkin produced out of season; (fig.) of a useless birth. -ज, -
   2) अङ्गारकित aṅgārakita from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 26)
अङ्गारकित aṅgārakita a. [अङ्गारकाः अस्य संजाताः इतच्] Charred, roasted.
   3) अङ्गारित aṅgārita from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 26)
अङ्गारित aṅgārita a. [अङ्गारम् अस्य संजातम्; तारका˚ इतच्] Charred, roasted, half-burnt. 'burnt' food is not accepted by Jain ascetics. -तः -तम् [अङ्गारमिव आचरति; अङ्गार-क्विप् ततः कर्तरि क्त] An early bud of the किंशुक tree.
   4) अङ्गुलिः, अङ्गुली, अङ्गुरिः, अङ्गुरी aṅgulim, aṅgulm, aṅgurim, aṅgurī from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 28)
...Bk.9.78. -संज्ञा [तृ. त.] a sign made by the finger; मुखार्पितैकाङ्गुलिसंज्ञयैव Ku.3.41 -सन्देशः making signs with fingers; cracking or snapping the fingers as a sign. -संभूत a. [स. त.] produced from or on the finger. (
   5) अच्छावाकः acchāvākaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 29)
अच्छावाकः acchāvākaḥ [अच्छं निर्मलं अच्छ आभिमुख्येन वा वक्ति शंसति; वच् कर्तरि संज्ञायां घञ् निपातस्य चेति दीर्घः Tv.] The invoker or inviter, a priest or Ṛitvij who is employed at Soma sacrifices, and is a co-adjutor of होतृ. Each of the four principal priests, होतृ, अध्वर्यु,
   6) अधिमन्थित adhimanthita from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 64)
अधिमन्थित adhimanthita a. [अधिमन्थोऽस्य संजातः इतच्] Suffering from eye-disease.
   7) अनधीन anadhīna from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 74)
अनधीन anadhīna a. [न. त.] Independent. -नः, -नकः [संज्ञायां कन्] An independent carpenter working on his own account (कौटतक्षः); स हि कुट्यां वसन् न कस्यचिदधीनः.
   8) अनलः analaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 78)
...See अग्नि. -3 Digestive power, gastric juice; मन्दः संजायतेऽनलः Suśr. -4 Wind. -5 Bile. -6 One of the 8 Vasus, the fifth. -7 N. of Vāsudeva. -8 Names of various plants; चित्रक, रक्तचित्रक Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea, भल्लातक the marking-nut tree...
   9) अन्तर antara from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 123)
...4 he has pledged his honour that he will not harm you; आत्मान- मन्तरेऽर्पितवान् K.247; अन्तरे च तयोर्यः स्यात् Y.2.239; भुवः संज्ञान्तरयोः P.III.2.179; धनिकाधमर्णयोरन्तरे यस्तिष्ठति विश्वासार्थं स प्रतिभूः Sk. -18 Regard, reference, account; न चैतदिष्टं माता मे यदवोचन्मदन्तरम् Rām. with reference to me;
   10) अन्तरीयम् antarīyam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 123)
अन्तरीयम् antarīyam [अन्तरे भवम् छ] An under garment; अति- श्लिष्टचीनांशुकान्तरीयम् Dk.69; संजज्ञे युतकमिवान्तरीयमूर्वोः Ki.7.14;9.48; नाभौ धृतं च यद्वस्त्रमाच्छादयति जानुनी । अन्तरीयं प्रशस्तं तदच्छिन्नमुभयान्तयोः ॥.
   11) अन्तर् antar from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 122)
...of a country of Bāhīka (or Bālhīka) (P.III.3.78 बाहीकग्रामविशेषस्य संज्ञेयम् Sk.). -घातः striking in the middle Kāsi. on P.III.3.78. -चर a. pervading the body. internally situated, internal, inward अन्तश्चराणां मरुतां निरोधात् Ku.3.48; U.7. -ज a.
   12) अन्वर्थ anvartha from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 133) रूढ or conventional). -संज्ञा 1 an appropriate name, a technical term which directly conveys its own meaning; e. g. भविष्यन्ती a name for 'future' is an अन्वर्थसंज्ञा compared with लृट्. -2 a proper name the meaning of which is obvious.
   13) अपवरकः, अपवरका apavarakam, apavarakā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 148)
अपवरकः apavarakam, अपवरका apavarakā [वृ-संज्ञायां वुन्] 1 An inner apartment; the lying-in chamber. -2 An air-hole, aperture; ततश्चैक- स्मादपवरकात् Mu.1.
   14) अपोगण्डः, अपौगण्ड apogaṇḍam, apaugaṇḍa from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 159)
अपोगण्डः apogaṇḍam, अपौगण्ड apaugaṇḍa [अ-पोगण्डः, or अपसि (बैध) कर्मणि गण्डः त्याज्यः Tv.] 1 Having a limb too many or too few (redundant or deficient). -2 Not under 16 years of age; बाल आषोडशाद्वर्षात्पोगण्डश्चापि संज्ञितः । Nārada; अजडश्चेदपौगण्डो विषये...
   15) अभिमुख abhimukha from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 180)
...75,7.9. -2 Coming or going near, approaching, near or close at hand; अभिमुखीष्विव वाञ्छित- सुद्धिषु व्रजति निर्वृतिमेकपदे मनः V.2.9.; यौवनाभिमुखी संजज्ञे Pt.4; R.17.40. -3 Disposed or intending to, inclined to; ready for, about (to do something), in comp.; चन्द्रापीडाभिमुखहृदया K.198,233; अस्ताभिमुखे सूर्ये...
   16) अभ्रित abhrita from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 198)
अभ्रित abhrita a. [अभ्राणि अस्य संजातानि; अभ्र-इतच् तारकादिगण] Overcast with clouds, clouded; ददर्श काले दिवमभ्रितामिव R.3.12.
   17) अयस् ayas from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 211)
...iron-toothed, having iron rims (as chariots); having iron weapons; पश्यन् हिरण्यचक्रान- योदंष्ट्रान् विधोवतो वराहून् Rv.1.88.5. -दती a. proper name; (स्त्रियां संज्ञायाम् P.V.4.143). -दण्डः an iron club, K.76. -धातुः iron metal; अयोधातुं यद्वत्परिलघुरयस्कान्त- शकलः...
   18) अवटीट avaṭīṭa from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 243)
अवटीट avaṭīṭa a. [नासिकायाः नतं अवटीटम्, अव-टीटन् नासिकायाः संज्ञायां; नासिकाप्यवटीटा, पुरुषोप्यवटीटः P.V.2.31 Sk.] Having a flat nose, flat-nosed.
   19) अवधारण avadhāraṇa from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 247)
...Limitation (of the sense of words); यावदवधारणे, एवावधारणे; मात्रं कात्स्न्र्येवधारणे Ak.; तुरत्राव- धारणार्थः -4 Restriction to a certain instance or instances to the exclusion of all others. -5 Taking up, expressing, reciting (a name); न त्वां देवीमहं मन्ये राज्ञः संज्ञाव- धारणात् Rām.5.33.10.
   20) अश्वत्थः aśvatthaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 281)
...on संज्ञायां श्रवणाश्वत्थाभ्याम् P.IV.2.5. -6 A vessel made of the अश्वत्थ tree (Ved.). -7 The fruit of the sacred fig-tree; अश्वत्थस्य फलमश्वत्थः Sk. -8 The time at which it bears fruit; अश्वत्थफलयुक्तः कालोऽप्यश्वत्थः P.IV.3.48 Sk. -9 An epithet of the Sun...
   21) अष्टन् aṣṭan from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 284)
-दशन् (˚ष्टा˚) see above after अष्टातय. -दिश् f. [कर्म˚ स. संज्ञात्वान्न द्विगुः दिक् सङ्ख्ये संज्ञायाम् P.II.1.50.] the eight cardinal points; पूर्वाग्नेयी दक्षिणा च नैर्ऋती पश्चिमा तथा । वायवी चोत्तरैशानी दिशा अष्टाविमाः स्मृताः ॥. ˚करिण्यः the eight female elephants living...
   22) अष्टादशन् aṣṭādaśan from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 285)
अष्टादशन् aṣṭādaśan a. [अष्ट च दश च] Eighteen; अगाहताष्टादशतां जिगीषया नवद्वयद्वीपपृथग्जश्रियाम् N.1.5. -Comp. -अङ्गः -ङ्गम् the eighteen parts of medical science. -उपचारः [कर्म. स. संज्ञात्वान्न द्विगुः] the eighteen modes of showing respect or...
   23) अहल्लिकः ahallikaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 301)
अहल्लिकः ahallikaḥ [अहनि लीयते, ली-ड, निपातः संज्ञायां कम् Tv.] 1 A (dead) body; अहल्लिकेति होवाच Bṛi. Up.3.9.25. -2 Ved. A talker; Śat. Br.14.
   24) आकरः ākaraḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 307)
आकरः ākaraḥ [by पुंसि संज्ञायां घः प्रायेण P.III.3.118 आकुर्व- न्त्यस्मिन्; Kāśi. 1 A mine; मणिराकरोद्भवः R.3.18; आकरे पद्मरागाणां जन्म काचमणेः कुतः H. Pr.38; Ms.7.62; आकरे- ष्वधिकारिता Y.3.242; (fig.) a mine or rich source...
   25) आकाशः, आकाशम् ākāśam, ākāśam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 306) वायुबन्धकवस्त्रेण सुबद्धो यानमस्तके । उदानस्य लघुत्वेन बिभर्त्याकाशयानकम् ॥ गरुत्मद्धंसैः कङ्कालैरन्यैः पक्षिगणैरपि । आकाशे वाहयेद् यानं विमानमिति संज्ञितम् ॥ -अगस्त्यसंहिता. -2 moving or travelling through the sky; आकाशयानेन प्रविशति enter passing through the sky (frequently occurring in dramas). -3 one who moves through the air. -रक्षिन् m. a watchman on the outer...
   26) आख्यायिका ākhyāyikā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 312)
...Thus they regard Bāṇa's हर्षचरित as an आख्यायिका and कादंबरी as a कथा; according to Daṇḍin, however, (Kāv.1.28) there is no distinction between the two; तत्कथाख्यायिकेत्येका जातिः संज्ञाद्वयाङ्किता -2 Narration (of what is known).
   27) आजानेय ājāneya from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 319)
आजानेय ājāneya a. (-यी f.) 1 Of good breed (as a horse); आजानेयो दन्तिनस्त्रस्यति स्म Śi.18.23. -2 Of noble birth, fearless, undaunted. -यः A well-bred horse; शक्तिभिर्भिन्नहृदयाः स्खलन्तोऽपि पदे पदे । आजानन्ति यतः संज्ञामाजानेयास्ततः स्मृताः ॥
   28) इन्द्रः indraḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 386)
...Śik.52; मन्त्रो हीनः स्वरतो वर्णतो वा मिथ्याप्रयुक्तो न तमर्थमाह । स वाग्वज्रो यजमानं हिनस्ति यथेन्द्रशत्रुः स्वरतोऽपराधात् ॥ -शलभः a kind of insect (इन्द्रगोप). -संजयम् N. of a sāman. Arṣeya Br. -संधा connection or alliance with Indra. तयाहमिन्द्रसंधया सर्वान् देवानिह हुव Av.11.10.9. -सारथिः...
   29) उपपातकम् upapātakam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 453)
उपपातकम् upapātakam A minor sin, crime or sin of the second degree; महापातकतुल्यानि पापान्युक्तानि यानि तु । तानि पातक- संज्ञानि तन्न्यूनमुपपातकम् ॥ Y.2.210; Ms.11.66.
   30) उपाधिः upādhiḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 471)
...It is of four kinds :-- जाति, गुण, क्रिया, संज्ञा. -4 A title, nick-name; (भट्टाचार्य, महामहोपाध्याय, पण्डित &c.); बी. ए. इत्युपाधिधारिणः (modern use). -5 Limitation, condition (as of time, space &c.); न ह्युपाधेरुपाधिर्भवति विशेषणस्य वा विशेषणम् Mbh.I...
   31) ऋद्धिः r̥ddhiḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 491)
ऋद्धिः r̥ddhiḥ f. [ऋध्-भावे क्तिन्] 1 Growth, increase. नियमर्द्धये Bhāg.12.8.9. -2 Success, prosperity; affluence, good fortune. तेषामृद्धिरतीवात्र Bhāg.3.139.8. -3 Elevation, exaltation, greatness. संजीवितः शिशुरसौ मम चेयमृद्धिः U.2.11. -4 (a...
   32) ओषधिः, ओषधी oṣadhim, oṣadhī from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 507)
ओषधिः oṣadhim, ओषधी oṣadhī f. [ओषः पाको धीयते अत्र-धा-कि Tv.] 1 A herb, plant (in general); ओषध्यः फलपाकान्ताः Ms.1.46; cf. संजीवन˚. -2 A medicinal plant or drug. -3 An annual plant or herb which dies...
   33) औद्दालकम् auddālakam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 509)
औद्दालकम् auddālakam [उद्दालेन निर्वृत्तं अण् संज्ञायां कन्] A bitter and acrid substance like honey; प्रायो वल्मीकमध्यस्थाः कपिलाः स्वल्पकीटकाः । कुर्वन्ति कपिलं स्वल्पं तत्स्यादौद्दालकं मधु ॥
   34) कंसः, कंसम् kaṃsam, kaṃsam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 514)
...A severe duel was fought between Kaṁsa and Kṛiṣṇa, in which the former was slain by the latter.] cf. कंसं जघान कृष्णः which is an answer to the query कं संज- घान कृष्णः । -2 Anything metallic. -3 Fire. -सा N. of a daughter of Ugrasena and sister of Kaṁsa.
   35) कटजक kaṭajaka from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 519)
कटजक kaṭajaka m. N. of a man or a class of men; लोके गोपालकमानय कटजकमानयेति यस्यैषा संज्ञा भवति स आनीयते Mbh.I.1.23.
   36) कन्दः, कन्दम् kandam, kandam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 529)
...Raghavan (V.1, p.1). -मूलम् a radish. -संज्ञम् prolapsus uteri. -सारम् the garden of Indra.
   37) काकोलः kākolaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 553)
काकोलः kākolaḥ 1 A raven; Y.1.174; Mb.11.16.7. -2 A snake. -3 A boar. -4 A potter. -5 A division of the infernal regions or hell; महानरककाकोलं संजीवनमहापथम् Y.3.223. -6 A poisonous substance. -ली
   38) कार्य kārya from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 564)
...अन्वय-व्यतिरेक which they use for establishing व्याप्ति. -कालः time for action, season, fit time or opportunity; Rām.1. (-n.) कार्यकालं संज्ञापरिभाषम् परिभाषेन्दुशेखर pari. 2 and 3. -गौरवम् importance of the act, deed, or occasion; respect for the performance; U.7. कार्यगौरवादात्ययिकवशेन वा Kau. A.1.19...
   39) कालिन्द kālinda from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 568)
...v. -सूः f. Saṁjñā (-संज्ञा), a wife of the sun. (-m.) the sun. -सोदरः Yama, the god of death.
   40) कियत् kiyat from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 573)
...sing. कियान् m., कियती f., कियत् n.) 1 How great, how far, how much, how many, of what extent of qualities (having an interrogative force); कियान्कालस्तवैवं स्थितस्य संजातः Pt.5; N.1.130; अयं भूतावासो विमृश कियतीं याति न दशाम् Śānti.1.25; ज्ञास्यसि कियद्भुजो...
   41) कुरुः kuruḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 586)
...of Yudhiṣṭhira; कस्यचित्त्वथ कालस्य कुरुराजो युधिष्ठिरः Mb.16.1.7. -विस्तः a weight of gold equal to about 700 Troy grains. -वृद्धः an epithet of Bhīṣma; तस्य संजनयन्हर्षं कुरुवृद्धः पितामहः Bg.1.12.
   42) कृत kṛta from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 597)
संकल्प a. resolved, determined. -संकेत a. making an appointment; नामसमेतं कृतसंकेतं वादयते मृदु वेणुम् Gīt.5. -संज्ञ a. 1 having presence of mind ... स्थापयेद् दासान् कृतसंज्ञान् समन्ततः Ms. -2 restored to consciousness or senses. -3 aroused.
   43) कृपाणः kṛpāṇaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 599)
कृपाणः kṛpāṇaḥ [कृपां नुदति नुद्-ड संज्ञायां णत्वम् Tv.] 1 A sword; स पातु वः कंसरिपोः कृपाणः Vikr.1.2; कृपणस्य कृपाणस्य च केवलमाकारतो भेदः Subhāṣ; Ks.53.87. -2 A knife.
   44) क्रमुः, क्रमुकः kramum, kramukaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 615)
क्रमुः kramum, क्रमुकः kramukaḥ [क्रम्-उन्, संज्ञायां कन्] The betel-nut tree; आस्वादितार्द्रक्रमुकः समुद्रात् Śi.3.81; Vikr.18.98; Bhāg.8.2.11.
   45) क्रोडः kroḍaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 618)
क्रोडः kroḍaḥ [क्रुङ् घनीभावे संज्ञायां घञ्] 1 A hog; भ्रातर्येवं विनि- हते हरिणा क्रोडमूर्तिना Bhāg.7.2.1. -2 The hollow of a tree, cavity; हा हा हन्त तथापि जन्मविटपिक्रोडे मनो धावति Udb. -3 The chest, bosom, breast; क्रोडीकृ to clasp...
   46) क्षतिः kṣatiḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 621)
क्षतिः kṣatiḥ f. [क्षण्-क्तिन्] 1 Injury, wound; द्विषां क्षतीर्याः प्रथमे शिलीमुखा विभिद्य देहावरणानि चक्रिरे Ki.14.55. -2 Destruction, cutting, tearing down; विस्रब्धं क्रियतां वराहततिभिर्मुस्ताक्षतिः पल्वले Ś.2.6. -3 (Fig.) Ruin, loss, disadvantage; सुखं संजायते तेभ्यः सर्वेभ्योपीति का क्षतिः
   47) क्षत्तृ kṣattṛ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 621)
क्षत्तृ kṣattṛ m. [क्षद् संज्ञायाम् तृच् Uṇ.2.91.] 1 One who cuts or carves anything; क्षत्ता वामस्य देव भूरेः Rv.6.13.2. -2 An attendant, a door-keeper; यत् क्षत्तारं ह्वयत्या Av.9.6.1; मुनिः प्रवेशितः क्षत्रा कन्यान्तःपुरमृद्धिमत् Bhāg.9...
   48) गाण्डिवः, गाण्डीवः, गाण्डिवम्, गाण्डीवम् gāṇḍivam, gāṇḍīvam, gāṇḍivam, gāṇḍīvam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 656)
गाण्डिवः gāṇḍivam, गाण्डीवः gāṇḍīvam, गाण्डिवम् gāṇḍivam, गाण्डीवम् gāṇḍīvam [गाण्डिरस्त्यस्य संज्ञायाम् व P.V.2.110] 1 The bow of Arjuna, presented by Soma to Varuṇa, by Varuṇa to Agni, and by Agni to Arjuna, when the latter assisted him in consuming...
   49) गार्हपत्यः gārhapatyaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 658)
गार्हपत्यः gārhapatyaḥ [गृहपतिना नित्यं संयुक्तः, संज्ञायां ञ्य] 1 One of the three sacred fires perpetually maintained by a householder, which he receives from his father and transmits to his descendants, and from which fires for sacrificial purposes are lighted; अथ हैनं गार्हपत्योऽनु- शशास Ch. Up.4.11...
   50) घन ghana from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 685)
घन ghana a. [इन् मूर्तौ अप् घनादेशश्च Tv.] 1 Compact, firm, hard, solid; संजातश्च घनाघनः Māl.9.39.; नासा घनास्थिका Y.3.89; R.11.18. -2 Thick, close, dense; घनविरलभावः U.2.27; R.8.91; Amaru.59. -3 Thick...
   51) घनाघन ghanāghana from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 685)
घनाघन ghanāghana a. 1 Fond of slaughter, striking down; घनाघनः क्षोभणश्चर्षणीनाम् Rv.10.103.1. -2 Cruel, hurting, mischievous. -3 Even, uniform, compact; संजातश्च घनाघनो जलधरः शीर्णश्च वायोर्जवात् Māl.9.39. -नः 1 Indra. -2 A vicious elephant, or...
   52) चक्रम् cakram from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 691)
1. interest upon interest, compound interest; Ms.8.153,156. -2 wages for transporting goods in a carriage. -व्यूहः a circular array of troops. -संज्ञम् tin. (-ज्ञः) the ruddy goose. -साह्वयः the ruddy goose. -हस्तः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
   53) चन्द्र candra from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 697) of a house. -शिला the moon-stone; प्रह्लादिता चन्द्रशिलेव तूर्णम् Bk.11.15; ननु भणामि एषा सा चन्द्रमणिशिलेति Nāg.2. -संज्ञः camphor. -संभव N. of Budha or Mercury. (-वा) small cardamoms. -सालोक्य attainment of the lunar heaven. -
   54) चलनकम् calanakam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 701)
चलनकम् calanakam [चलनं संज्ञायां कन्] A short petticoat worn by low women. -निका Silken fringes.
   55) चान्द्रायणम् cāndrāyaṇam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 704)
चान्द्रायणम् cāndrāyaṇam [चन्द्रस्यायनमिवायनमत्र पूर्वपदात् संज्ञायां णत्वम् संज्ञायां दीर्घः स्वार्थे अण् वा Tv.] A religious observance or expiatory penance regulated by the moon's age (the period of its waxing and waning); (in it the daily quantity of food, which consists of fifteen mouthfuls at the full moon, is diminished by one mouthful every day during...
   56) छाया chāyā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 720)
...of a wife of the sun (she was but a shadow or likeness of संज्ञा, the wife of the sun; consequently when संज्ञा went to her father's house without the knowledge of her husband, she put छाया in her own place. छाया bore to the sun three children :-- two sons Sāvarṇi and Śani, and one...
   57) जवनिका, जवनी javanikm, javanī from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 731)
जवनिका javanikm, जवनी javanī [जु करणे ल्युट् संज्ञायां कन्] 1 A screen of cloth surrounding a tent. -2 A curtain in general; नरः संसारान्ते विशति यमधानीजवनिकाम् Bh.3.112; मायाजवनिकाच्छन्नम् Bhāg.1.8.19; सतां जवनिका निकामसुखिनाम् Śi.4.54.
   58) तरङ्गित taraṅgita from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 763)
तरङ्गित taraṅgita a. [तरङ्गः संजातोऽस्य, तार˚ इतच्] 1 Wavy, tossing with waves; पीडा˚ Māl.9.11, -2 Overflowing. -3 Tremulous. -तम् Waving; अपाङ्गतरङ्गितानि बाणाः Gīt.3.
   59) तारकित tārakita from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 769)
तारकित tārakita a. [तारकाः अस्य संजाताः इतच्] Starry, star-spangled, studded with stars; कणगणाधिकतारकिताम्बरः N.4.49.
   60) त्वष्टृ tvaṣṭṛ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 795)
...He had a son named Triśiras and a daughter called संज्ञा, who was given in marriage to the sun. But she was unable to bear the severe light of her husband, and therefore Tvaṣtṛi mounted the sun upon his lathe, and carefully trimmed off a part of his bright disc; cf. आरोप्य चक्रभ्रमिमुष्णतेजास्त्वष्ट्रेव यत्नोल्लिखितो विभाति R.6.32. The part...
   61) दस्र dasra from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 806)
...The number 'two.' -स्रः 1 An ass. -2 A robber. -स्रम् 1 The cold season. -2 The lunar mansion Aśvinī. -Comp. -देवता the constellation Aśvinī. -सूः f. wife of the sun and mother of the Aśvins, = संज्ञा q. v.
   62) दिष्टिः diṣṭiḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 816)
दिष्टिः diṣṭiḥ f. [दिश भावे क्तिन् , संज्ञायां कर्तरि क्तिच् वा] 1 Assignment, allotment. -2 Direction, command, instruction, rule, precept. -3 Fate, fortune, destiny. -4 Good fortune, happiness, any auspicious event (such as the birth of a son); दिष्टिवृद्धिमिव शुश्राव K.55...
   63) धैर्यम् dhairyam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 868)
...दयितेन सादरम् Ki.8.50. -5 Boldness, forwardness; तस्मादस्याः कुमुदविशदार्न्यहसि त्वं न धैर्यान्मोघीकर्तुं चटुलशफरोद्वर्तनप्रेक्षितानि Me.40. (धार्ष्ट्य Malli.). -Comp. -कलित a. steady, calm; अवधीर्य धैर्यकलिता दयितम् Śi.9.59. -वृत्तिः Steady conduct, composure; संजातवेपथुभिरुज्झित- धैर्यवृत्तिरिच्छामि चैनमदयं परिरब्धुमङ्गैः V.5.9.
   64) नटः naṭaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 874)
...yellow) orpiment. -रङ्गः 1 a theatrical stage. -2 anything illusory. -वरः 'the chief actor', the Sūtradhāra of a drama. -संज्ञकम् yellow orpiment. (-कः) an actor, dancer. -सूत्रम् directions or rules for actors. पाराशर्य- शिलालिभ्यां भिक्षुनटसूत्रयोः P.IV.3...
   65) नरकः, नरकम् narakam, narakam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 880)
...where different kinds of tortures are inflicted upon sinners तामिस्र, अन्धतामिस्र, महारौरव, रौरव, नरक, कालसूत्र, महानरक, संजीवन, माहवीचि, तपन, संप्रतापन, संहात, काकोल, कुड्मल, प्रतिमूर्तिक, लोहशङ्कु, ऋजीष, पन्था,
   66) नष्ट naṣṭa from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 883)
...A.2.11. -चन्द्रः The fourth तिथि, bright and dark, of the month of Bhādrapada when it is considered inauspicious to look at the moon. -चर्या playing of hide and seek. -चेतन, -चेष्ट, -संज्ञ a. one who has lost his senses, unconscious, insensible, fainted...
   67) नागरक, नागरिक nāgmraka, nāgarika from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 885)
नागरक nāgmraka, नागरिक nāgarika a. [नगरे भवः वुञ्] 1 Town-bred, town-born. -2 Polite, courteous, courtly; नागरिकवृत्त्या संज्ञापयैनाम् Ś.5; साधु आर्य नागरिकोऽसि V.2. -3 Clever, shrewd, cunning (विदग्ध). -कः 1
   68) नान्दी nāndī from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 887)
नान्दी nāndī [नन्दन्ति देवा अत्र नन्द्-घञ् पृषो˚ वृद्धिः ङीप्] 1 Joy, satisfaction, delight. -2 Prosperity; ततो राजकुले नान्दी संजज्ञे भूयसा पुनः Mb.12.82.66. -3 Praise of a deity at the commencement of a religious rite or observance. -4 Particularly, the...
   69) निष्कर्षः niṣkarṣaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 928)
...4.125; Bhāṣā P.138. -3 Measuring. -4 Certainty, ascertainment. -षम् Oppressing subjects by taxes; विशेषात् सर्वमेवैतत् संजज्ञे राजकर्मणा । अनुकर्षं च निष्कर्षं व्याधिपावक- मूर्छनम् ॥ Mb.2.13.13. (com. निष्कर्षं करार्थं प्रजापीडनम्.)
   70) निस् nis from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 932)
...निःसङ्गं प्रतिभिरुपाददे विवृत्तिः Ki.7.12. (-गम्) ind. unselfishly. -संचारः (निःसंचारः) not taking a walk; Māl. -संज्ञ (निःसंज्ञ) a. unconscious. -सत्त्व (निःसत्त्व) a. 1 unenergetic, weak, impotent. -2 mean, insignificant, low...
   71) पञ्चन् pañcan from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 951)
...of devotion (silent prayer, oblations, libations, bathing idols and feeding Brāhmaṇas) -3 the five parts of a tree; त्वक्पत्रकुसुमं मूलफलमेकस्य शाखिनः । एकत्र मिलितं चैतत् पञ्चाङ्ग- मिति संज्ञितम् ॥ -4 a calendar or almanac, so called because it treats of five things:-- (तिथिर्वारश्च नक्षत्रं योगः करणमेव च); चतुरङ्गबलो राजा जगतीं वशमानयेत् । अहं पञ्चा-
   72) पर para from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 965)
...on MS.7.2.1. -श्वस् ind. the day after tomorrow. -संगत a. 1 associated with another. -2 fighting with another. -संज्ञकः the soul. -सवर्ण a. homogeneous with a following letter (in gram.). -सात्
   73) परिमोहनम् parimohanam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 983)
परिमोहनम् parimohanam 1 Beguiling, alluring, enticing, fascinating. -2 Bewildering, infatuating; स्पर्शः पुरा परिचितो नियतं स एव संजीवनश्च मनसः परिमोहनश्च U.3.12. (v. l.).
   74) परिलुप्त parilupta from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 984)
परिलुप्त parilupta p. p. 1 Interrupted, disturbed, diminished. -2 Lost, disappeared. -Comp. -संज्ञ a. senseless.
   75) पारिभाषिक pāribhāṣika from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1013)
पारिभाषिक pāribhāṣika a. (-की f.) 1 Current, common, universally received; उभयावृत्तिधर्मेण संज्ञा स्यात् पारिभाषिकी Nyāya-śāstra. -2 Technical (as a word &c.).
   76) पार्य pārya from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1010)
Ved. 1 Being on the other bank or side. -2 Last, final. -3 Upper. -4 Decisive. -5 Effectual. -र्यम् 1 End. -2 Decision. -3 The means of crossing over (पारप्रदम्); सहि पार्यं महानासीत् पुत्राणां मम संजय Mb.8.9.14.
   77) पुत्रकः putrakaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1029)
पुत्रकः putrakaḥ [पुत्र अनुकम्पायां संज्ञायां वा कन् स्वार्थे क वा] 1 A little son or boy, boy, chap, lad (often used as a term of endearment); हा हा पुत्रक नाधीतं सुगतैतासु रात्रिषु. -2 A doll, puppet; सा कन्दुकैः कृत्रिमपुत्रकैश्च रेमे Ku.1.29. -3 A...
   78) प्रत्ययः pratyayaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1086)
प्रत्ययः pratyayaḥ 1 Conviction, settled belief; मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः; M.1.2; संजातप्रत्ययः Pt.4. -2 Trust, reliance, faith, confidence; रक्षन् प्रत्ययमात्मनः Rām.3.9.19; बलवदपि शिक्षितानामात्मन्यप्रत्ययं चेतः Ś.1.2; Ku.6.20; Śi.18.63; Bh.3.60; प्रत्ययार्थं हि लोकानामेवमेव मया...
   79) प्रीतिः prītiḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1137)
...of a wife of Cupid and rival of Rati; (स चानङ्गवती वेश्या कामदेवस्य सांप्रतम् । पत्नी, सपत्नी संजाता रत्याः प्रीतिरिति श्रुता ॥ Matsya P.). -10 Longing (अभिलाषा); प्रीतिरेषा कथं रामो राजा स्यान्मयि जीवति ॥ एषा ह्यस्य परा प्रीतिर्हृदि संपरिवर्तते । Rām.2.1.36-37. -11 N. of a श्रुति. -12 The...
   80) भारत bhārata from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1192)
...have it at present, is evidently the production of many hands); श्रवणाञ्जलिपुटपेयं विरचितवान् भारताख्यममृतं यः । तमहमरागमकृष्णं कृष्णद्वैपायनं वन्दे ॥ Ve.1.4; व्यासगिरां निर्यासं सारं विश्वस्य भारतं वन्दे । भूषणतयैव संज्ञां यदङ्कितां भारती वहति ॥ Āryā. S.31. -3 The science of music and dramaturgy founded by Bharata. -ती Speech, voice, words, eloquence; भारतीनिर्घोषः U...
   81) भ्रान्तिः bhrāntiḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1216)
V.1.5. -4 An error, a mistake, delusion, wrong notion, false idea impression; श्रितासि चन्दनभ्रान्त्या दुर्विपाकं विषद्रुमम् U.1.47; षाण्मासिके तु संप्राप्ते भ्रान्तिः संजायते नृणाम् । धात्राक्षराणि सृष्टानि पत्रारूढान्यतः पुरा ॥ Jyotistattvam. -5 Confusion, perplexity. -6 Doubt, uncertainty, suspense. -7 Unsteadiness. -Comp. -कर a. confounding...
   82) मख makha from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1218)
मख makha a. [मख् संज्ञायां घ] Ved. 1 Adorable, fit to be worshipped with oblations. -2 Lively, active, cheerful. -खः 1 A sacrificial rite; अकिंचनत्वं मखजं व्यनक्ति R.5.16; Ms.4.24; R.3.39. -2 A festival. -3...
   83) मञ्जरित mañjarita from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1220)
मञ्जरित mañjarita a. [मञ्जर्यः संजाता अस्य इतच्] 1 Furnished with or possessing clusters of blossoms. -2 Mounted on a stalk (as a bud).
   84) महा mahā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1254)
...of Brahman. -2 the Supreme Being. (-र्या) the wild cotton shrub. -2 an epithet of संज्ञा, the wife of the sun. -वृषः a great bull. -वेग a. 1 very swift or fleet. (-गः) 1 great speed, excessive velocity...
   85) मामक māmaka from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1263)
मामक māmaka a. (-मिका f.) 1 My, mine, belonging to my side; मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत संजय Bg.1.1. -2 Selfish, covetous, greedy. -कः 1 A miser. -2 A maternal uncle.
   86) माला mālā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1266)
माला mālā [मल् संज्ञायां कर्तरि घञ्] 1 A garland, wreath, chaplet; अनधिगतपरिमलापि हि हरति दृशं मालतीमाला Vās. -2 A row, line, series, succession; गण्डोट्टीनालिमाला Māl.1.1; आवद्धमालाः Me.9. -3 A group, cluster, collection. -4 A string, necklace; as in...
   87) माषः māṣaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1267)
माषः māṣaḥ [मष् संज्ञायां कर्तरि घञ्] 1 A bean; (the sing. being used for the plant and the pl. for the fruit or seed); तिलेभ्यः प्रति यच्छति माषान् Sk.; मुद्राभावे माषाद्याः प्रति- निधित्वमर्हन्ति J. N. V. -2 A particular weight of gold; पञ्चकृष्णलको माषस्ते...
   88) मृत mṛta from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1286)
...wearing a dead man's clothes; Ms.10.35. -वासरः the day of anyone's death. -संस्कारः funeral or obsequial rites. -संजीवन a. reviving the dead. (-नम्, -नी) the revival of a dead person. (-नी) a charm for reviving the...
   89) मौलिक maulika from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1295)
मौलिक maulika a. (-की f.) 1 Radical. -2 Chief, principal, prime; संजीवनोपायस्तु मौलिक एव रामभद्रस्याद्य संनिहितः U.3. -3 Inferior, of low origin (opp. to कुलीन). -कः A dealer in or digger of roots.
   90) यदृच्छा yadṛcchā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1304)
...which denotes neither a genus nor species, nor any quality, action &c.; असंपादयतः कंचिदर्थं जातिक्रियागुणैः । यदृच्छाशब्दवत् पुंसः संज्ञायै जन्म केवलम् Śi.2.47. -संवादः 1 accidental conversation. -2 spontaneous or incidental intercourse, accidental meeting.
   91) युतक yutaka from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1315)
युतक yutaka a. Connected, joined, united. -कम् 1 A pair. -2 Union, friendship, alliance. -3 A nuptial gift. -4 A sort of dress worn by women. -5 The edge of a woman's garment; संजज्ञे युतकमिवान्तरीयमूर्वोः Ki.7.14. -6...
   92) रविः raviḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1330)
...of 1 Viṣṇu. -2 Śiva. -लोहम्, -संज्ञकम् copper. -वंशः the solar race (of kings). -संक्रान्तिः f. the sun's entrance into any zodiacal sign. -सारथिः 1 N. of Aruṇa. -2 the dawn.
   93) रसः rasaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1332)
...sugar-cane. -इन्द्रः 1 mercury. -2 the philosopher's stone (the touch of which is said to turn iron into gold); ˚वेधजम्, संजातम् the gold. -उत्तमम् milk. (-मः) 1 quicksilver. -2 Phaseolus Mungo (Mar. मूग). -3 milk. -उत्पत्तिः...
   94) लब्ध labdha from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1359) his desired object; याच्ञा मोघा वरमधिगुणे नाधमे लब्धकामा Me.6. -कीर्ति a. become widely known, famous, celebrated. -चेतस्, -संज्ञ a. one who has come to his senses, restored to consciousness. -जन्मन् a. born, produced. -तीर्थ a...
   95) लभ् labh from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1358)
...e. गर्भं लभ् to conceive, become pregnant; पदं or आस्पदं लभ् to gain a footing, take a hold on; see under पद; अन्तरं लभ् to get a footing, enter into; लेभेऽन्तरं चेतसि नोपदेशः R.6.66 'was not impressed on the mind;' चेतनां-संज्ञां लभ् to regain one's...
   96) ली lī from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1367)
...4 Ā. (लीयते, लीन) 1 To stick or adhere firmly to, cling to. -2 To clasp, embrace. -3 To lie or rest on, recline, stay or dwell in, lurk, hide, cower down; (भृङ्गाङ्गनाः) लीयन्ते मुकुलान्तरेषु शनकैः संजातलज्जा इव Ratn.1. 26; हरिशिशुरुत्पतितुं द्रागङ्गान्याकुञ्च्य लीयते निमृतम् Bv.1.106...
   97) वडवा vaḍavā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1383)
वडवा vaḍavā 1 A mare; सैव भूत्वाथ वडवा नासत्यौ सुषुवे भुवि Bhāg.6.6.40. -2 The nymph Aśvinī who in the form of a mare bore to the sun two sons, the Aśvins; see संज्ञा. -3 A female slave. -4 A harlot, prostitute.
   98) वार्षिक vārṣika from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1418)
वार्षिक vārṣika a. (-की f.) [वर्षे वर्षासु वा भवः ठञ्] 1 Belonging to the rains or rainy season; पूर्वोऽयं वार्षिको मासः श्रावणः सलिलागमः । प्रवृत्ताः सौम्य चत्वारो मासा वार्षिकसंज्ञिताः ॥ Rām.4.26.14; वार्षिकं संजहारेन्द्रो धनुर्जैत्रं रघुर्दधौ R.4.16. -2...
   99) विपर्यय viparyaya from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1450)
समुद्रगारूपविपर्ययेऽपि Ku.7.42; त्यागे श्लाघाविपर्ययः R.1.22. -4 Loss; राघवाणा- मयुक्तोऽयं कुलस्यास्य विपर्ययैः Rām.1.21.2; निद्रा संज्ञाविपर्ययः Ku.6.44 'loss of consciousness'. -5 Complete destruction, annihilation; दुःशासनवधं श्रुत्वा कर्णस्य च विपर्ययम् Mb. 11.1.16; Rām.7.6.50. -6 Exchange...
   100) विमूढ vimūḍha from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1458)
...p. 1 Confounded, bewildered. -2 Seduced, tempted, beguiled; अप्रतिष्ठो महाबाहो विमूढो ब्रह्मणः पथि Bg.6.38. -3 Stupid. -4 Wise, learned. -ढः A kind of divine being. -Comp. -आत्मन्, -संज्ञ a. perplexed, senseless; इद्रियार्थान् विमूढात्मा मिथ्याचारः स उच्यते Bg...
   101) विश्व viśva from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1475)
...of the architect of gods; cf. त्वष्टृ. -2 an epithet of the sun. -3 one of the seven principal rays of the sun. -4 a great saint. -5 the Supreme Being. ˚जा, ˚सुता an epithet of संज्ञा, one of the wives of the sun. -कारुः
   102) वैश्यः vaiśyaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1505)
वैश्यः vaiśyaḥ A man of the third tribe, his business being trade and agriculture; a peasant; विशत्याशु पशुभ्यश्च कृष्यादावरुचिः शुचिः । वेदाध्ययनसंपन्नः स वैश्य इति संज्ञितः ॥ Padma Purāṇa. (He is supposed to have sprung from the thighs of Puruṣa;. cf. ऊरू तदस्य यद्वैश्यः Ṛv.10.90.) -Comp. -कर्मन्
   103) शनिः śaniḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1531)
a term for the (evening) worship of Śiva performed on the thirteenth day of a lunar fortnight when it falls on a Saturday. -प्रसूः f. an epithet of Chhāyā, wife of the sun; cf. संज्ञा. -प्रियम् a sapphire or emerald. -वारः, -वासरः Saturday.
   104) शब्दः śabdaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1533) others of the same signification, whereas in अर्थश्लेष the pun remains unchanged; शब्दपरि- वृत्तिसहत्मर्थश्लेषः.) -संग्रहः a vocabulary, lexicon. -संज्ञा (in gram.) a technical term; P.I.1.68. -साधन, -साह a. See शब्दवेधिन्; ततोऽस्त्रं शब्दसाहं वै त्वरमाणो महारणे...
   105) संघृष् saṅghṛṣ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1607)
संघृष् saṅghṛṣ 1 P. 1 To rub or grind together. -2 To rival, emulate, compete or vie with; स प्रयोगनिपुणैः प्रयोक्तृभिः संजघर्ष सह मित्रसंनिधौ R.19.36. -3 To rub, scratch.
   106) संजनन sañjanana from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1609)
संजनन sañjanana a. Producing, causing, effecting; प्रीतिसंजननैः पितुः गुणैर्विरुरुचे रामः Rām.2.1.33. -नम् 1 Production, creation. -2 Growth, development.
   107) संजनन sañjanana from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संजनन sañjanana a. (î) producing (–˚); n. production, creation.
   108) संजन् sañjan from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1609)
संजन् sañjan 4 Ā. 1 To be born produced. -2 To grow, arise, spring. -3 To be or become. -4 To elapse, pass (time). -Caus. To beget, produce, generate.
   109) संजपाल sañjapāla from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संजपाल sañjapāla m. N.
   110) संजप् sañjap from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1609)
संजप् sañjap 1 P. To report, communicate.
   111) संजय sañjaya from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संजय sañjaya a. victorious (V.); m. victory (Br.); kind of military array (C.); N., esp. of Dhritarâshtra's charioteer; -galpa, m. conversation, talk; -gavana, n.(?) quadrangle.
   112) संजयः sañjayaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संजयः sañjayaḥ 1 Conquest, victory. -2 A kind of military array. -3 N. of the charioteer of king Dhṛitarāṣṭra. He tried to bring about a peaceful settlement of the dispute between the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas, but failed. It was he who narrated the events of the great Bhāratī war to the...
   113) संजल्पः sañjalpaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संजल्पः sañjalpaḥ 1 Conversation; असतां दर्शनात् स्पर्शात् संजल्पाच्च सहासनात् Mb.3.1.29. -2 Confused talk, chattering, confusion. -3 An uproar.
   114) संजल्प् sañjalp from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संजल्प् sañjalp 1 P. To talk, converse.
   115) संजवनम् sañjavanam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संजवनम् sañjavanam 1 A quadrangle; a group of four houses forming a court. -2 A way-mark, sign-post.
   116) संजात sañjāta from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1609)
संजात sañjāta p. p. 1 Born, produced, grown, arisen (oft. in comp. in the sense of 'growing, becoming, possessing'; संजातकोप 'being angry'); so संजातपक्ष 'winged,' &c. -2 Passed (as time.) -Comp. -निर्वेद a. grown despondent. -विश्रम्भ
   117) संजात sañjāta from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संजात sañjāta pp. √gan: -kautuka, a. having one's curiosity excited; -nidrâ-pralaya, a. whose sleep has been dissolved, having slept one's fill; -lagga, a. embarrassed; -̮îrshya, a...
   118) संजावनम् sañjāvanam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संजावनम् sañjāvanam Pouring a little butter-milk into warm milk (Mar. दूध विरजणें).
   119) संजिघृक्षु sañjighṛkṣu from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संजिघृक्षु sañjighṛkṣu des. a. intending to collect; – epitomise; -giti, f. complete victory (V.); -gîva-ka, a. (ikâ) animating; m. N. of a bull: ikâ, f. N.; -g
   120) संजिहान sañjihāna from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संजिहान sañjihāna a. Giving up, leaving (the bed); संजिहानस्तु द्वापरः Ait. Br.7.15.15; स ह प्रातः संजिहान उवाच Ch. Up.1.10.6.
   121) संजीवनम् sañjīvanam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संजीवनम् sañjīvanam 1 Living together. -2 Bringing to life, life-restoring, reanimation, resuscitation. -3 N. of one of the 21 hells; see Ms.4.89. -4 A group of four houses, quadrangle. -नी 1 A kind of elixir (said to restore the dead to life...
   122) संजीव् sañjīv from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संजीव् sañjīv 1 P. 1 To live together. -2 To live, exist (by any profession). -3 To be restored to life. -Caus. 1 To revive, restore or bring to life, reanimate; (इदं सर्वं चराचरम्) संजीवयति चाजस्रं प्रमापयति चाव्ययः Ms.1.57. -2...
   123) संज्ञ sañjña from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संज्ञ sañjña a. 1 Knock-kneed. -2 Being conscious. -3 Named, called; see संज्ञा below. -ज्ञम् A yellow fragrant wood.
   124) संज्ञ sañjña from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संज्ञ sañjña a. –˚ = sam-gñâ (labdha- samgña-tâ, f. recovery of consciousness): -ka, a. –˚ (ikâ)=sam-gñâ, name; -gñapana, n. strangulation of a sacrificial...
   125) संज्ञक sañjñaka from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संज्ञक sañjñaka a. Killing, destroying (नाशक); कदा वयं करिष्यामः संन्यासं दुःखसंज्ञकम् Mb.12.279.3.
   126) संज्ञपनम् sañjñapanam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संज्ञपनम् sañjñapanam 1 Killing; दृष्ट्वा संज्ञपनं योगं पशूनां स पतिर्मखे Bhāg.4.5.24. -2 Deception, defrauding.
   127) संज्ञपित, संज्ञप्त smñjñapita, sañjñapta from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संज्ञपित smñjñapita, संज्ञप्त sañjñapta p. p., Sacrificed, killed; तं यज्ञपशवोऽनेन संज्ञप्ता ये दयालुना Bhāg.4.28.26.
   128) संज्ञप्तिः sañjñaptiḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संज्ञप्तिः sañjñaptiḥ f. 1 Apprising, informing. -2 Killing, sacrificing.
   129) संज्ञा sañjñā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संज्ञा sañjñā 9 Ā. 1 To know, understand, be aware of. -2 To recognize. -3 To live in harmony, agree together (with acc. or instr.); पित्रा पितरं वा संजानीते Sk. -4 To watch, be on the alert; संजानानान् परिहरन् रावणानुचरान् बहून् Bk.8.27.
   130) संज्ञा sañjñā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संज्ञा sañjñā 1 Consciousness, अकरुण पुनः संज्ञाव्याधिं विधाय किमीहसे Māl.9.42; रतिखेदसमुत्पन्ना निद्रा संज्ञाविपर्ययः Ku.6.44. संज्ञा लभ्, आपद् or प्रतिपद् 'to regain or recover one's consciousness, come to one's senses'. -2 Knowledge, understanding; नायका मम सैन्यस्य संज्ञार्थं...
   131) संज्ञातरूप sañjñātarūpa from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संज्ञातरूप sañjñātarūpa a. having a well-known form (RV.1); -gñâti, f. agreement, understanding (Br.); -gñãna, a. producing harmony (Br.); n. unanimity, harmony, with (in., lc.; V.); consciousness (
   132) संज्ञानम् sañjñānam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संज्ञानम् sañjñānam Knowledge, understanding.
   133) संज्ञापनम् sañjñāpanam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1610)
संज्ञापनम् sañjñāpanam 1 Informing. -2 Teaching. -3 Killing, slaughter.
   134) संज्ञावत् sañjñāvat from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1611)
संज्ञावत् sañjñāvat a. 1 Having consciousness, become sensible, revived. -2 Having a name.
   135) संज्ञिका sañjñikā from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1611)
संज्ञिका sañjñikā A name, appellation.
   136) संज्ञित sañjñita from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1611)
संज्ञित sañjñita a. Named, called, denominated.
   137) संज्ञित sañjñita from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संज्ञित sañjñita den. pp. signalled to, with (the brows, –˚); called, named, – after (gnly. –˚); -in, a. conscious; having a particular name; m. object bearing a particular name (opp. sam-gñâ, name).
   138) संज्ञिन् sañjñin from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1611)
संज्ञिन् sañjñin a. 1 Named. -2 That which receives a name. (-m. also in this sense).
   139) संज्ञु sañjñu from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1611)
संज्ञु sañjñu a. Knock-kneed.
   140) संज्ञोपसर्जनीभू sañjñopasarjanībhū from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संज्ञोपसर्जनीभू sañjñopasarjanībhū become a proper noun or a subordinate member of a compound.
   141) संज्वर sañjvara from Macdonell: A practical Sanskrit dictionary (p. 330)
संज्वर sañjvara m. heat, fever: -m kri, feel agitated: -kara, a. agitating (–˚).
   142) संज्वरः sañjvaraḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1611)
संज्वरः sañjvaraḥ 1 Great heat, fever; यत्स्नेहसंज्वरवता हृदयेन नित्यम् Māl.9.36; Ms.4.185. -2 Heat. -3 Indignation.
   143) संज्वलनम् sañjvalanam from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1611)
संज्वलनम् sañjvalanam Fuel.
   144) संशप्तकः saṃśaptakaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1592)
संशप्तकः saṃśaptakaḥ [सम्यक् शप्तमङ्गीकारो यस्य कप् Tv.] 1 A warrior sworn never to recede from a contest and kept to prevent the fight of others; संशप्तकान्निहतानर्जनेन तदा नाशंसे विजयाय संजय Mb.1.1.189. -2 A picked warrior. -3 A brother in arms. -4 A...
   145) सीधु sīdhu from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1683)
...Vārt.1. -पानम् the drinking of spirits. -पुष्पः 1 the Kadamba tree. -2 the Bakula tree. -रसः the mango tree. -संज्ञः the Bakula tree.
   146) सु su from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1691)
...v. -आदानम् taking justly or properly; स्वादानाद्वर्णसंसर्गात्त्वबलानां च रक्षणात् । बलं संजायते राज्ञः स प्रेत्येह च वर्धते ॥ Ms.8.172. -आभास a. very splendid or illustrious; सारतो न विरोधी नः स्वाभासो भरवानुत Ki.15.22. -इष्ट a. properly sacrificed; स्विष्टं यजुर्भिः प्रणतोऽस्मि यज्ञम्
   147) सूर्यः sūryaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1700)
...when four months old; cf. उपनिष्क्रमणम्. -संक्रमः, -संक्रातिः f. the sun's passage from one zodiacal sign to another. -संज्ञम् saffron. -सारथिः an epithet of Aruṇa. -सिद्धान्तः a celebrated astronomical work (supposed to have been revealed by the god Sun). -
   148) सोमः somaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1706)
...of the Soma-sacrifice; (these are seven:- अग्निष्टोम, अत्यग्निष्टोम, उक्थ, षोढशी, अतिरात्र, आप्तोर्याम and वाजपेय). -संज्ञम् camphor. -सद् m. a particular class of Manes or Pitṛis; विराट्सुताः सोमसदः साध्यानां पितरः स्मृताः Ms.3.195. -सिद्धान्तः
   149) हरिकः harikaḥ from Apte: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary (p. 1749)
हरिकः harikaḥ [हरि-संज्ञयां कन्] 1 A horse of a yellowish or tawny colour. -2 A thief. -3 A gambler (with dice).